Bug in...or bug out. That is the question

Been a while since we have discussed this. What’s your current position/plan? Do we go or do we stay? Why?


Bug in. Why? I live in a conservative part of California.
It’s a good place to take a stand.
Against what? I guess it doesn’t matter if one’s among friends.


Tactically speaking, it is a matter of situation. If you are leaving/ bugging out that means your location is too compromised and a new location is required. The real question is, if you go bugout, what is the mobility capabilities? How far is it? How long will it take to get there? Is the new place a good place defendable?


Be flexible.


I feel good about staying put. Not going out just to find trouble waiting.


Me too. I have a boat and a lot of ocean a couple of miles from me. All I have to do is make sure I don’t have a boating accident like the ones that are prevalent in this group.


Bug in. If you have food and water and other essentials at your primary then stay. In my case I couldn’t move it and if I could where would you go? I, like others above, am satisfied that my neighbors are an asset vs liability. In addition, bug out and you’re, in most cases, totally on your own. If there are those who find you, then what? I know people who have a bug out area (40 acres) but once there, they’re sitting ducks. I see no way it’s a defensible situation. But to each his own.


Staying put. We have everything we need in a good area with good people. :slightly_smiling_face:


Staying, in the country one way in one way out. Food ,water, ammo, plus great neighbors set up the same way. We could hold off a small army if we had to.


We had a real awakening a few years back after an Earth Quake hit Salt Lake City. Started me to thinking, what if buildings crumbled, roads broke up trees fell? It would be very difficult to drive anywhere. I drive a short wheel base jeep, I could go better than most but still powered travel could be limited or impossible. I live in a reasonably defensible location, if it happens to survive. So I ‘think’ my first inclination is to sit tight.


We would stay put until we could no longer stay put. That might be a couple days, a couple weeks or a couple months, The road we are on is a dead in with about 6 families of different ethnic backgrounds. We are tight enough with a couple of them that we can support one another short term. We all have enough beans and rice stashed away for that.

At any given moment, though, I will invoke Leroy Jethro Gibbs’ Rule #91 - When you decide to walk away, never look back. My neighbors will wake up one morning and we will be gone, the doors wide open and nothing left but walls and used furniture.


If staying means likely imprisonment or death by enemy forces, and if it is possible to do so, I would bug-out. One must consider survivability of your environment and the environment on the way to your bug-out site. Otherwise … dig-in.


I was thinking several times about moving out from Illinois… but to be honest, I cannot complain about living here, where I’m.
The only disadvantage is lack of AR15 platform… but other than that I’m super safe with my pistols.

What is wrong with Illinois? → Chicago. That is the only place where I feel limitation of my safety. So the simplest solution for happy life is to stay away from Chicago as much as possible.

I can say, I’m a great example of Happy Illinoisan.



I live super close to complete wilderness, if I have to bug out I’ll be in the woods…good luck finding me! The plan is to stick to the homestead as long as possible. Even my house is in the sticks. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


I’m staying. PERIOD
My Alamo is where I will live or die.
The roads will be screwed, thousands of people buggin’ out
for Lord knows where? Do THEY even know?
Too much stuff to load, I tried. I filled up my truck and still had leftovers (I really need/want)
My walls are Sh** so if it comes down to a Home Invasion?
I just hit the Phoo-gas button and take as many of the bestards with me as I can.
(I’m not joking)
Out on the road where am I going? Where’s safe? Will there be a ‘Free America’? or will I be behind enemy lines?
I’m in New Mexico, I am ALREADY behind enemy lines.
The neighbors think we are preppers with all the UPS/FedX deliveries
My Xterra is …well lets just say is ‘TACTICALLY ENHANCED’ I’M TACTICALLY ENHANCED! We stay put.
All the vehicles are READY. The house is slightly Armored if you want in it’s the windows (and that’s not an option I’d recommend.) If you hit us with ordinance I won’t be around to care but I’ll make sure it costs them dearly.

I KNOW THINGS! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In a discussion elsewhere a consensus formed that IF you have a bugout installation (their terminology) you should already be living there if at all possible.

Bugging out involves many variables including road/route conditions, fuel considerations, clogged roads, and roadblock/checkpoint/pirate obstacles to name a few. The farther away, the more possible these things are.

What if you overcome all that and find squatters in your installation? Or just find it smashed, pillaged, and destroyed? No matter how secret you think your location is, I promise you somebody knows about it. Start with family, friends, co-bug-outers, website cookies, library loan records, etc. Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE not one of them ever told someone else? What about recorded deeds or building permits or contractors, suppliers, equipment rentals? You might not have told them anything specific, but a curious person could make some shrewd deductions or even just lucky guesses. It’s very hard not to leave some kind of trail.

I can’t tell you how many guys tell stories about heading out to their “secret” hunting/fishing camp out in the back of beyond only to find squatters, or their left behind garbage. Or a meth cook. Or a body.


Great point!


BUG IN :exclamation: Fortified castle, well stocked, more Gadsden flags than pride flags in the community! Have a great squad a couple of hours away that will join us.
Wife is on over watch, grandsons on point, daughters on personal guard duty Son in law designated marksman.

Us preparing for a milk run!

Here’s a question I don’t think anyone has asked.

I have a current military uniform of the day, it’s not “decorated” although it has my name and rank and American flag all in the right place. No unit patches nor branch of service.

Is it appropriate to wear, to say, avoid certain situations, ie: the poop has hit the fan, check points, or ways to get around, maybe unnoticed or noticed? Thoughts?

Personally, I don’t consider it impersonation, I’m ex military!
By law, I think I’m still allowed to wear my dress uniform,
but there’s NO WAY that will still fit! Furthermore, I’m not crawling through the mud in my dress whites!



I can’t express how much I feel EVERYBODY should read your thread BEFORE the SHTF! Having an alternate Plan Bravo ( Bugout installation) where you plan to run to
may sound like a good idea until you understand the ramifications of…Having another place that is NOT occupied 24/7, remote, Stuffed w/ Prepper gear an food and defenseless.
My family had a cabin in Cobleskill, NY (upstate). We left the front door open/unlocked–Outhouse also. We had a couple of signs made up:
“Welcome to our cabin
Please have a care
It’s a nice place treat it as your own
Careful w/ the Fireplace
Please restock the wood pile (if you can)
Leave it as you found her”
Most did, some broke windows, shot up the Outhouse
Stole our wood…etc. Used the front door for firewood, stole our Axe’s
A real crapshoot. Not worth the stress.

Forget it today! I’d burn her down myself and leave the bestards nothing.
People don’t respect anything anymore.
Sad commentary but there it is…

(Outhouse also)