Breaking News! Prez. Trumps Mar-A-Lago Home raided by fbi

Just a weak attempt to distract from The Laptop and The Client List.


I’ve been watching politics for over 40 years. The first Pres I remember seeing on TV was Lyndon Johnson, My mother thanks God for Richard Nixon, says he kept her sons from going to Viet Nam. Continually we hear about how the other side are crooks, liars, cheaters, Con Men, they should all be locked up. But you know what happens, no matter which party is in office? No President ever goes to jail. My taxes never go down. There are never any meaningful laws repealed. My freedom as an American citizen is continuously errored. Political fanatics call me names. Search his house or not doesn’t matter, after the election, no matter who wins it will all be conveniently forgotten.


Who’s being too negative now, brother :sunglasses:
They raided a former Presidential home! In our wildest dreams we couldn’t have thought of this! The civil war just started!
So how far do we let this go? They also just armed the IRS,( Internal Revolutionary Service ) talk about a Militia Violent Extremists!
Let the games begin!

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This is Christopher Wray getting vengeance on Republicans for bringing him before a Congressional subcommittee and making him answer for the corruption within the FBI. He is literally telling Republicans, “I don’t care WHO you are, I will go right into your house and violate you, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” It is 100% intimidation.

To put this in historical perspective, did the FBI raid Richard Nixon’s home during the Watergate investigation? No. And Congress DID succeed in impeaching Nixon.

An agency of the Executive Branch in our Republic with this much power shouldn’t exist. Especially with as tarnished a badge as the FBI. Re: Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping” conspiracy entrapment, presence of agents at 1/6 protest, coverup/no interest in Hunter Biden laptop, participation in Trump/Russia collusion hoax.

It is a sorry state of affairs when the once-premiere law enforcement agency in this Republic is undeniably corrupt and lawless.


The bug for me is that they’ll plant something, because they’re low end. Then instead of getting actual crooks, they’ll waste our money chasing this guy again, partly for distraction, partly because they act like 13 year old girls who can’t let go. He’s no angel, but he’s the best patriot we’ve had in decades…and that’s worth something, at least to me.

And all of this fighting between people on this forum isn’t helpful, or fun to watch. Back to 13 year old girls. Maybe discuss topics instead?


I am neither a Trump supporter nor a Trump hater, but he was the same person in the White House that he was before, when he was a celebrity billionaire hanging out with Oprah or the Clintons. I always thought it was funny how quickly his “friends” turned on him.

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Just asking a few questions. How is Trump still in business, shouldn’t he have been sued till he was broke? If he is as big a criminal as you say how was he not impeached and thrown out of office? Why is it that the first modern president who has had absolutely no political experience is attacked endlessly by the media and congress? If he was as bad as that why did the economy do so well and no new wars under his presidency?


One can’t have a logical discussion with an emotional person.


One can’t have a logical discussion with a fanatical person.


I think all of us like our constitutional system when it is applied equally and fairly. It is the execution of it that we are disagreeing with. Do you think that the Jan 6th Committee is Constitutional?

LOL, lets see if the conversation meets our expectations.

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Well I now know that there are snowflakes here, as it seems editorializing that “Trump is a con man” is sufficient to get people here to block content.

Of course the Jan 6th Committee is Constitutional, there is recourse, vote them out.


How is it Constitutional?

Its an internal function of the Congress, doing its job, as did the Benghazi investigations.

The recourse is the every two years the members of this body are up for a vote, vote them out.

How is it not Constitutional? Congress has pretty broad oversight.
You could easily argue that the investigation is political. Heck, you could pretty easily argue that the purpose of Congressional investigations is too often to cover up facts instead of revealing them. But that’s a much different discussion than whether or not Congressional investigations are permitted by the U.S. Constitution.

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I can’t vote in Wyoming, Illinois or in any of the states. Also the January 6th Committee is not Constitutional under Enumeration of Powers found in the Constitution. Congress can only conduct an inquiry for legislative purposes and cannot do an investigation into individuals because it violates separation of powers.

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Senate investigation, Not house of Reps.

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