Arrested for Burning Flag Burners Banner

Ha ha… well, it is technically a symbol of rebellion.

Thank God nobody brought weapons. Biden would just use that as a catalyst for his gun control policies that are soon to come.

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He needs a catalyst?


That is true of most countries flags.

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Not Canada. Their flag represents syrup.


Lol, good one


Need? Not really. But thing s are easier to politicize when you have a recent symbol to rally against.

Speaking of flags… Did you hear who is drawing articles of the 2nd impeachment? LOOOL!

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Is that a GA peach joke?

Impeachment or Impeachwoment?


These sort of things have been going on for a very long time. Using your example, I usually assume that people know man is short for human and that picking a fight that it doesn’t include all humans is ridiculous.

Still, I just about never say both genders, but choose they, everyone, etc. I refuse to get dragged into a silly arguement that no one can win. These people have already managed to make leverage a verb and slide orientated and other jewels into our language. As a former editor they burn me up, they aren’t important fights.

The last straw for me was the requirement to change manhole. I mean, really…

Let’s solve hunger, healthcare, education, shelter, energy, and some other biggies, then worry about this stuff.

Back to flag burners…I don’t know why anyone cares. It says something about a person who will burn their own flag instead of doing something constructive, legal or not. People who agree with them (not him or her!) should stand by them. Those who oppose should not. No need to fight over it.

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I’m pretty sure the feminization of that term would get be banned. :astonished:

For all the jokes about de-gendered terms in Congress, I noticed the Speaker still referred to Representatives as “Gentlemen” and was herself referred to as “Madam Speaker.”


Sounds about right.

Now just one damn minute here. Are we supposed to comply with the directives of our new masters or not?? :wink:

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Just go gender neutral with it
It’s an…
It Hole Cover

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Humanhole cover.
No wait, I mean a huwomanhole cover.

Forget I womentioned it.

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Are you panicked you are going to have to neuter yourself :slight_smile:

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Would ‘one with a womb’ or ‘testicularly enhanced’ be acceptable code for the now unspeakable things?


The unspeakable things are pretty hard to ignore when they are attached to your body, wired into endocrine system, wired into subconscious. It is not the social norms that create the concept of sex, but the sexes create the society and its norms. Sexes have been around for 2 billion years, mother and baby relationship has been around for 250 million years, it is imprinted into every bit of humanity. Jordan Peterson has a chapter on this subject in 12 Rules for Life. Pelosi is cookoo!


So biological sex and all that it entails is integrally linked to your humanity. Hmmmmmmmm. I bet if you remove the humanity (or overt awareness of and links to it) then you could control the human… sounds vaguely familiar.
Sex, religion, ‘your face when in public’, both side viewing the other in dehumanized terms…

Someone better pick the correct fork in the road at the next intersection or were gonna end up in the dark forest with all the nasties… There is another fork in the path ahead, isnt there?