Anyone try SSP top Bifocal shooting glasses?

I keep seeing ads for these SSP top bifocal shooting glasses and have thought about checking them out. But I am not sure how to order the top lens. So far my shooting glasses are already prescription but I wondered about how I have to focus on the front sight.

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interested to hear about these too.

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I checked when I got my prescription glasses and the place I went said they could probably make me a set with bifocal on top for shooting it’s a pain not seeing the sites as good by tilting my head up I really want a set


I was planning on talking to my optometrist as well but before I did I wanted to see if anyone has tried the SSP glasses yet. They would be a boatload less than what my prescription run.


I picked up a pair these. When I got them, and tried them on at home my first impression was that this was a mediocre execution of a good idea. I felt that the bi-focal was too high up. I took them to the range today, and finally tried them out. I still think the bi-focal needs to come down a couple of millimeters, but they are workable if I slide them down my nose a little bit.

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If you are like me and your arms are too short, this is and excellent option. The hard part as mentioned above is getting the right prescription. That is easily accomplished in your local drug store with a rack of reading glasses. Pick a pair, stick both arms straight out and add 6’ of distance between your thumbs and the display rack. Find a pair of readers that allows you to read the really small stuff on the rack. That is your prescription for “Mid range” vision or “Computer” vision or “Gun vision”. That is what you want to order.

As far as position of the lens I walk head up but I shoot nose down so they seem to line up exceptionally well for me unless I look over the top of them on pistol when I actually use my sights. Regular bi-focals invariably give me a pain in the neck and are really uncomfortable to shoot with my head back. I am still marginally 20/10 in both eyes at a distance but I’m like 20/80 up close so anything inside 2.5 - 3’ is blurry. I found them exceptionally handy for shooting rifle and needing to adjust the scope as its just a nod/nudge of my head to see the scope markings yet it doesn’t interfere with looking down the optic.

There are also “stick on” option for those that want to experiment but they are limited in the diopter choices. Last time I looked you could find them on Amazon or some of the safety gear supply houses. Just de-grease you lenses and stick on the correction lens and trim to fit. Not the greatest clarity, but for stick on’s or an emergency fix it gets the job done.



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Interestingly, I just got a pair this week. I plan on testing them at the range tomorrow. I’ll let you all know what I think.


I got some of these a couple of weeks ago and they immediately helped improve my accuracy. Seeing the front sight clearly makes a huge difference. I’d say they are worth the money.

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I tested the SSP glasses at the range yesterday, and they worked very well for me. My front sight focus was much better, and correspondingly, my shot groupings were better. For those of us whose arms have shrunk over the years :wink:, I can heartily recommend them .

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I just got new a prescription and ordered two new pairs of glasses. Is the top focal the same as a prescribed bifocal?

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