America's food supply

Continuing the thought from @Enzo_T.

If you don’t believe. Look at what the Heritage Foundation (a non state entity) did with the failed assassin’s phone. Well after he died and actions he did long before he hit the publics radar all of this was well after the fact. If the NSA is as far advanced past the civilian market as we think they are it should be a very frightening.

There’s no one we can blame here, we did it to ourselves.

Like right effing now, the Wolves are gathered up in ChIraq planning to vote who’s for dinner the Wolves or the Sheeple who don’t care. It’s us the Sheepdogs and Sheepleherders to try and save it. Outright stealing is going to be on the menu if All Eligible Voters from the Center, Independent, the Right, and the Far Right.

-Do not go gentle into that good night; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.-