Actual Defense Against Animal Attack - The OTHER "It"

Jamey, You have a wicked sense of humor in you…

I like that! Rock on Brother!

and Kurt: Again NO, to the Feral dog (packs), they don’t last out here in the Southwest. The Coyote’s
pick 'em of like ‘rabid ducks!’ (couldn’t resist) :rofl: The Coyote frequently walk down our streets, we just make sure the Cats and Pup’s are in @ night (@ least the one’s that one to find them alive in the morning).



Yes I have. I’ve had dogs charge me two separate times. Luckily when I talked to the owner they received my information well. I didn’t yell or threaten or give an or else statement. Both built dog runs and respected my concerns. Believe me, if they wouldn’t have there would be two dead dogs.


No, also to Feral Hogs…The Migrants ate them all.
Honduran Bar-Bee-que! Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuweeeeeeeeeeee!

haven’t seen a HONDURAN flag yet though…funny that?

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I have run into a lot of feral and free ranging domestic dogs in the East and the West. A lot of “feral” dogs I have seen actually have homes but the owners let them run free during the day where they join with other domestic dogs or occasionally with truly feral dogs to form daytime packs. Those packs kill wildlife, livestock, domestic pets (including other dogs) and occasionally people.

I think coyotes get a lot of the blame for what free ranging dogs do. On several occasions I’ve seen dogs chasing coyotes. Have never seen the other way around though I know it happens from time to time especially with smaller dogs.

I have been attacked by single dogs on several occasions. Haven’t had to draw a weapon but have had to kick them, hit them with thrown rocks or on one occasion jab a big German Shepard with a stick several times while the owner just watched from their porch calmly saying come here Sheba while it attempted to bite me for several minutes. Almost got taken out by three pit bull/mastiffs once but that is another story that I was fortunately able to negotiate my way out of.

After two legged predators, dogs are the biggest threat I have to deal with in the backcountry and as a field worker I have had regular face to face encounters with bears, moose (very dangerous during the rut), wolves, rattlesnakes, a muskrat that swam after me in a lake, and more coyotes than I could count.


Yes one of our boars
had a sow ready to breed and he got wind of her and went nuts
tore up a younger boar [Hoss]
then he went after me wile trying to get him back into a stall
2 rounds of 45 Acp from my CC and Ham was done
no regrets cant have a crazy pig around the farm


Why I now carry bear spray. That will be my first response and if the dog’s owner doesn’t like it, still have my EDC on my hip.


I carry a big can of bear spray in brown bear country and on ranch land with ornery bulls.

I actually had pepper spray on me when I encountered the 3 pit bull/rottweilers but the reason for the close encounter was it was a super windy day and they came from upwind. They couldn’t smell or hear me and I couldn’t hear them coming or see them since I was right next to a berm. So we surprised each other at a very close distance. With the wind I couldn’t spray them without getting a face full myself.

I always carry pepper gel now since it works better in the wind but it can be hard to hit a charging animal with the thin stream. Bear spray would be the superior tool as long as you don’t have too much wind in your face. Though I think some places have rules against using bear spray on people and even dogs??

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I would say there are places that prohibit its use like how we are talking. If I’m not mistaken KY will let you. I mean if the state lets you kill a dog harassing your livestock, don’t see much difference in a dog attacking me.


A lot of these anti self defense laws make absolutely zero sense. In some places it would be illegal to spray someone with bear spray when threatened with an imminent deadly threat but shooting them under the same circumstances would be OK.

If someone or something is imminently threatening to kill or seriously harm you or another person you should be able to use whatever you have available to defend yourself.


I agree

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…“cant have a crazy pig around the farm”.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, don’t they call the DC See-eye- aye facility breeding grounds ‘The farm’???

Food for thought 'ey what?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

After biting incidents, Biden’s dog Commander is no longer at White House (


if they really did care the dog would have been dealt with after the first or second time bighting not the 10th or 12th time


Had this problem in the Palmdale, CA many years back. Wild dog packs were attacking kids at the schoolbus stops in the AM to steal their lunches. Did a “Texas-style feral pig” hunt a couple of times and eliminated most of the problem. Thereafter we had armed volunteers at the bus stops.

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I say cut the poor dog a break and find him a new home. If I had to take orders from that idiot and live with him and his puppet masters I’d lose my mind. I feel sorry for the dog. I bet with a good home and intelligent master he’d be fine. Dogs are smart. There’s a reason he’s so stressed he’s biting people.


I imagine he treats his dogs like movie stars treat there kids, see occasionally, show then in public when it’s beneficial then back to the nanny… Pay no attention to them and wonder why the turn out bad.