A Quote from the Nashville Shooting

Why do people come on here and think we want, need or care to hear their life story?
Just asking. :man_shrugging:
she/he killed 3 children and three adults, that’s all we need or care to know.
BTW. I have Martians living in an underground city in my refrigerator. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well there do seem to be a lot of people here and elsewhere putting a lot of thought and words into this shooter’s background as a potential cause for this incident. Context and background sometimes are and sometimes aren’t important things to consider.

By the way the Venusians living under my wood stove are giving a shout out to your Martians. They were wondering where they had moved to;)


I’m referring to personal lifestyle information. :slightly_smiling_face:
I thought I heard a lot of activity from my fridge. :rofl:


It means that our schools, and especially our universities have been indoctrinating our children with socialism and “woke” ideology for decades. And jut like coloring Easter egss, the longer you leave the egg in the dye, the more it absorbs. I don’t care what her degree was in. If she was attending indoctrination camp a full 9 years past high school, that’s a lot of socialism & woke culture with the potential to get absorbed. Even after four years, kids are coming out of college angry and wanting to burn down cities.


It seems as if you need it broke down. This particular person made a very stupid judgmental comment. We should all take a step back & look at the facts.

It doesn’t matter if she’s a graphic designer or went to college & graduated at 27, as you said she killed children.

She was mentally ill at the time.

Not because she was an artist or college educated. These judgmental opinions are what give conservatives & gun enthusiasts a bad name. Period.

Idgaf if my response/example doesn’t fit your agenda or anyone else’s. Your response wasn’t needed or necessary, unless you are trying to prove how much of a rude jerk you appear to be. Climb off the cross already, someone else needs the wood. Do better.

BTW you should probably call homeland security about your aliens.

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I think you may have misread my comment. “Idgaf” what her degree was in.


By the way, has that manifesto been released yet? I bet if it were a manifesto that I wrote, it would have been published within 48 hours or less.

Funny, huh?


Last I saw anything on the manifesto, the FBI was holding up its release so they can create a “detailed profile”. Why its release would prevent them from doing that is beyond me. I think the more obvious is to control the narrative and keep the focus on gun control for as long as possible.


Don’t worry, the FBI is on it. Now I feel better. :roll_eyes:
3 days ago from the NYP.

Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale’s pre-killing spree manifesto is set to be released to the public after the FBI and its’ highly skilled team of criminal profilers analyze its contents, a
Nashville Council Member revealed to The Post.

The FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit is working “in tandem with” the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) to complete “a very in-depth analysis of certain aspects of the shooter’s life,” Robert Swope said Wednesday.

“The manifesto is going to be released. It’s just a matter of when. There are some incredibly brilliant psychological minds and psychological analysts combing through her entire life,” added Swope, who is a member of the City Council’s Public Safety, Beer and Regulated Beverages Committee.


Agreed sir. I imagine it is a Christian bash-fest. That would modify the narrative and we can’t have that.


The end of January I took a very interesting course taught by Ed Monk, Last Resort Firearms Training. I HIGHLY recommend his “Active Shooter” class. The class was in Nashville of all place. He basically told the class if your response to an active shooter is to call 911, expect a minimum of 30 casualties. He came to this conclusion studying active shooter events from the last 30+ years.
He said on average a person gets shot every 10 seconds. So do the math on Nashville and one quickly sees how Nashville got off considerably light, all things considered. They were very lucky they had an unambitious shooter.

I like the idea of having staff trained to handle the situation. This is advantageous for several reasons. They are on site when the shooting starts and they know their way around the building which in most cases the police will not.


I have very conflicting feelings on the release of this or any other murderers manifesto. On the one hand there is the desire to try and figure out what makes these sick, cowardly, child killers tick in order to find ways to better defend ourselves and our families from them. On the other hand this sick murderer does not deserve to have their thoughts shared with anyone let alone potentially millions of people. Maybe it would be better to just throw their bodies and their sick ideas into a ditch so the worms and maggots can turn their worthless lives into something useful?


Yup, a double-edged sword for sure. :crossed_swords:


How would like it, have every school, government building, movie theater and possible target location within one block of a police station, or build a police station on every corner of the city? It’s impossible to cover every square inch of a municipality in a reasonable time. The police will get there as fast as they can. They will do what is ever possible to resolve the situation and tend to the victims. In the mean time, they must assure that the problem is isolated, people in the area are removed to a safe place, locate the offender, and insure that they are in a safe and tactically sound position. No one knows when or where any of these issues will occur. How can the police prepare for them? The best that can be done is get there as fast as possible and be trained to handle the problem when they get there.


Exactly. That’s why people and organizations need to know what to do until the police arrive.


If you are ever in a lockdown situation (I was in one that turned out to be a false alarm, it was still frightening.) I hope you stay in the lock the door and hide attitude. If not I hope you are armed and you leave whoever is hiding and locked dow in that place. Because if you don’t you will be responsible for more deaths, including your own. Resistance is a last resort in this case. If you have a group of children with you, how do you keep them under control. They are frightened and disoriented, they can’t defend themselves and they want to escape. How many children will have to die before you convince an irrational individual (s) with a semi auto weapon that it is not a good idea to attack them. Adults can cope with this, but children cannot. Lastly, what didn’t work? The police got there in a reasonable amount of time, only 4 died when it could have been a lot more, the killer was neutralized. 4 dead is not good and 2 children will never grow up. But how many people were in the building and how much ammo did the killer have. I think lock down is a good system to follow, if you want to be a hero, at least be as well armed as the killer.


I was not trained to hide. Like anyone else, I do not know what I would do if you magically dropped me into an active shooter situation. But if my training kicks in, I’ll do my best to stop the shooter while trying to communicate with others who are doing the same. Yes, people who challenge the shooter may get killed. People who remain in place could also be killed by the shooter.

There are a thousand variables, so let’s not pretend there’s only one correct response. The only consistent math is that the sooner the killer is stopped, the fewer casualties there will be.


“Take them rascals out to the swamp, put 'em on their knees and tie 'em to a stump. Let the rattlers, and the bugs and the alligators do the rest” ----Simple Man --CDB


Firstly your body count is off. 6 dead not “only” 4. 3 adults and 3 9 year old kids. I don’t think a response time that allows for a single death should be accepted as reasonable let alone 6.

So what didn’t work? An armed shooter gained access to a locked building and faced no resistance until after 6 innocent people were killed. The police responded as quickly as they could and likely saved a lot of lives but they were infinitely too late to help those 6 victims. A strategy solely designed to try and limit casualties until enough LEOs finally arrive to stop the threat does not make all that much sense to me.

Lock down and hide in place is one option. It works when the shooter doesn’t decide they want to go through the door their intended victims are hiding behind. Once they do, everyone behind that door is at the shooter’s mercy. Getting the kids out of the area ASAP would be a better option in many scenarios. Run, hide, fight seems like a good priority order to me when the victims are defenseless.

But having armed and well trained responders on site would be the best option. It would even make the duck and cover strategy more likely to succeed since the shooter will have far less time to get through locked doors. These events, far more often than not, end as soon as the shooter is directly confronted by an armed defender. The goal should be a response in seconds. Not minutes.


I apologize for the miscount, my mistake. I agree on having an armed presence on site and I wish that all school districts agreed with this option. Unfortunately different communities do not accept this option. We can only hope they change their minds, the young ones need the protection. True, the building was breached, but there is no assurance that, even if there was armed protection on site, there would be no casualties. With an armed intruder roaming the halls I believe it is best to lock down. There was no warning and thus no time to evacuate. Limiting the casualties is the best option and having an armed presence on site is the best option to attain that goal. Now all we have to do is convince the school districts to agree to that.