A Quote For Today

gun control 2




"Wanda -THREE,

…and the future is in your hands (along w/ my rifle).
Good one W3


This is a long post but, what the hell, it’s a long weekend.

“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”
― Jeff Cooper, [The Art of the Rifle]

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it’s not an individual right or that it’s too much of a public safety hazard, don’t see the danger in the big picture. They’re courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don’t like.”
― Alan Dershowitz

“Most gun control arguments miss the point. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? How can a truly “free” state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? It cannot.”
― Tiffany Madison

If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to have the means to defend that life. - Charley Reese

It’s often been said, “Violence never solved anything.” The simple truth is that when you are slammed up against the wall and the knife is at your throat, when a circle of teenagers is kicking you as you curl into a ball on the sidewalk, or when the man walks into your office building or school with a pair of guns and starts shooting, only violence, or the reasonable threat of violence, is going to save your life. In the extreme moment, only force can stop force. - Rory Miller

If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. ~ George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

The fight will not be the way you want it to be. The fight will be the way it is. YOU must be flexible enough to adapt. ~ Unknown

These Sarah Brady types must be educated to understand that because we have an armed citizenry, a dictatorship has not happened in America. These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies. - Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of. - Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp (she lost both parents in the 1991 Luby’s cafeteria massacre)

A lady begins to know she is shooting well when the men stop telling her she is - Sir Joseph Nickerson, renowned British shooter of the 1950’s/60’s.

We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. – Ronald Reagan

To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the innocent and law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless, and that the law will permit them to have only such rights and liberties as the lawless will allow. … For society does not control crime, ever, by forcing the law-abiding to accommodate themselves to the expected behavior of criminals. Society controls crime by forcing the criminals to accommodate themselves to the expected behavior of the law-abiding. – Jeff Snyder, author

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence… From the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable… The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference; they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good… A free people ought to be armed. - George Washington

Liberalizing concealed carry laws won’t lead to a return to the Wild West- though it wouldn’t be bad if it did… in 19th century cattle towns, homicide was confined to transient males who shot each other in saloon disturbances. The per capita robbery rate was 7% of modern New York City’s. The burglary rate was 1%. Rape was unknown. - David Kopel, author

Any politician who won’t trust you with the weapon of your choice, clearly cannot be trusted with the power he desires over your life. -Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith

The right is absolute. In a free nation, government has no authority to forbid me from speaking because I might shout “fire” in a crowded theater. Government has no authority to forbid me from using my fist to defend myself because I might also use it to strike your nose. And government has no authority to forbid me from owning a firearm because I might shoot an innocent victim. Government is there to assure that the full force of the law can be brought against me if I discharge that right in a manner that threatens the rights of others. It does not have the authority to deny me those very rights for fear I might misuse them. - CA State Senator (R) Tom McClintock, 2001.

Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I’m a bad guy; I’m always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins. – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed – where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once. Justice Alex Kozinski, US 9th Circuit Court, 2003

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. (Thomas Jefferson).

An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it. Lt.Col. Jeff Cooper


“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”

Sigmund Freud


“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Anais Nin





Unless Clinton has it


@RAYMOND45 :rofl:





“That’s alright, I still got my guitar.”
- Jimi Hendrix