46th POTUS announced

I am just waiting to see what Prez. Trump will do or say. I am in the fight as long as he is. I still have faith. :+1: :us:


At a few polling places here in NW NV they had votes casted by 17 year olds and a pollster that bussed people in from California to vote.


Did all of you who found info about potential voter fraud send that info/links to Trump’s site investigating it?


Yes, same day. Adam Laxalt held a press conference in Las Vegas when Clark County refused to let them watch the ballot counting.


@KillJoy, fantastic post. Praying for the leaders of our country, even if you vehemently disagree with them or how they arrived to power, is the right thing to do.

This prayer is not mutually exclusive with preparing for the worst either. We can pray AND prepare.


Here is the thing the Republicans need to come to Trumps aid and we his voters need to make our voices heard on the election fraud, as the Dems will take their success on stealing this election and be even bolder with their stealing of future elections.

If the current Republican politicians do not jump up and sound all the alarms on this elections fraud, then in the near future they themselves will be replaced by Dems through the same fraud and stealing process.

Contact you State Congress people and demand they back Trump and demand investigations into the election fraud, demand it, or tell them they won’t have to worry about future election fraud replacing them as you their voters, will vote for someone else.

America as MOST of you know is the Greatest Country in the world and it is up to us to battle for the Greatness of America.


One more note to add.

The media which criticized Trump and tried to discredit his statements about a vaccine… suddenly reversed course and now proudly proclaim there is a vaccine just WEEKS away, as Trump has been saying.

The fact Kamala and others said any vaccine developed under a Trump administration, they would refuse to take… suddenly, they are not so vocal… and seem to be more in line with FORCING all to take the vaccine… and forcing all to wear masks… nationally…

Forget limited government, forget states rights

Oh, and the Biden / Harris ticket… said they want to have more medical supplies made in America (As Trump has done)
They want to use the Emergency Powers, to require companies to make more in America (As Trump has done)
They want to put American workers first (Do not believe Biden… but that is what Trump has done)…

and notice, the total reversal of the media… fawning over both Biden and Harris, and they have not even been declared the victor… and still ignore all the corruption of Biden and his son…

(but it is a time honored Democrat issue… Harry Reid and his son Rory, were involved in corrupt issues with a Chinese energy company… similar to Chicom Joe Sniffums and his son Hunter…)



We need to continue to fight as did everyone before us against tyrannical governments, to insure that the vote was fair and legal which it was not according to the massive amounts of voter fraud that have been reported. The media doesn’t call the election, the states do. By-den is not the president elect at this point.


I think the following question is good for either Republicans or Democrats because it could affect us all. If the election fraud is real and Trump ends up winning, I think it’s safe to say that shit is going to hit the fan. The riots that we saw from Antifa and BLM in MN, WA, OR, WI, CA, GA, and MO will likely happen again and be more widespread. The first wave of riots didn’t seem to discriminate between supporters and non. Then of course if no fraud is found and Biden is the legit POTUS, what happens when he makes an aggressive move on gun control, do you think more Republican-centric states (WY, ND, SD, etc) are going to comply? The question… Is anybody else preparing for what might be coming? I’ve invested in a couple more tools for defense and part of me feels silly but the other part of me feels like it’s necessary; I’d rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. How are the rest of you thinking through the potential outcomes?


The whole reason he won, was to avert the so called “civil war”. He will be sworn in, and there’s nothing we can do about it! They had a violent plan, they executed that violent plan and we have to retreat, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I see no one charging ahead to defeat the cheater!
We failed to fight back and lost the war!
The next time I vote, I’ll be sure I’m dead, so I can be sure my vote counts.
How do you prepare for socialism? You don’t!
They will implement their plans, we will suffer in silence, then rinse and repeat. Not so much worried about me, but my grandkids will suffer greatly.
If you thought about it hard enough, what the regime plans for is, IMHO, imminent grave bodily harm against my children and grandchildren!
By the time this generation is unified around the dog and rat buffet at the corner dumpster, I hopefully won’t remember my name, let alone, his name, and I’ll be drooling over the last of the thin mint cookies!
I taught my kids and grandkids that freedom is the most precious thing on earth, 50% of people that voted and a good percentage of dead people that voted, feel that America is the worst nation on earth.
I was really hoping to live out my golden years, now tarnished brass years, in a free and somewhat, peaceful nation. Wishful thinking on my part. What do they say, Man plans, God laughs!


It is sad.

One side virtually criminalized the other…

The sad thing is, there as a time, when we could all come together after an election… we may not like the results, we may not like some of the policies, but we could come together.

After Trump won, it was ‘make them uncomfortable’… drive them from restaurants, force them out of their jobs, punish them… and that continued, and was endorsed and advocated by those like Maxine Waters and other Democrats… and we see the violence that we each face every time we leave the house (some worse than others depending on location)…

Now, Biden has not won, but he has been announced and crowned by the media, once more inciting violence… and once more, those who do not fall into line are attacked… .and feel as this writer does, by the attacks of the last 4 years… and even some of the 8 years prior.

We each need to look at our nation, decide what it is to be, and look at ourselves and see if we are living up to the ideas and principles we support.

Oh, and as for Covid… CNN has already removed their Covid count … and several outlets are now crowing about a vaccine just ‘WEEKS’ away, as Trump has been saying while they criticized him for saying it… and remember, Harris said she would NOT take any vaccine developed under the Trump administration… hmmmm


The movie doesn’t compare to the book, in fact you need to have read the book to understand the movie!


Almost looks as if the Democrat-apparatchiks want to have a purge of Trump supporters and all those who oppose them. I didn’t know that Media Outlets get to decide the outcome of the Presidency. No state has certified anything. All this does for me is intensify my resolve to never vote Democrats when they have been sodomized by their radical leftists psychopaths. I don’t think the Democrats understand they have radicalized the conservative base and we are not going away and not going gentle into that good night. :metal: :+1:


Vote in EVERY election. Vote for constitutionalists. Watch your Judges carefully, they are elected too. Watch the money trail as well, odds are if it is a large amount from out of state it is Soros, Bloomberg, Gates, Stire and now Zuckerberg. Watch Koch too, he is for open borders (assuming you want that). Also remember, lawsuits are being filed, the press does not decide, the votes have not been certified, finally the electoral vote has not actually occured. This will be a long process, as it should be. Even better, contribute if you can, and get some skin in the game and participate by volunteering if you have the time. Run for office if you think you got what it takes!


Read the book, it was excellent, but the movie was great, I have all three parts.

Also have The Fountainhead, but have only scanned through it, as I am still reading The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and The Tempting of America… and Vindicating the Founders … and Secret Empires…

Eventually I will catch up and start on Lincoln, the Prairie Years and the War Years…

But, read Atlas Shrugged and 1984 and Brave New World and had to reread them a few years ago… because it had been a LOOOONG time since I had read them.


@Christopher_S1, @Alexander8, and others that have mentioned Atlas Shrugged. I agree it is one of the best books out there. The first time I started it I couldn’t get past the first chapter or so. It was not easy to read, but once you get past the first few chapters it is hard to put down.

I am not sure the movie does the book justice. I think maybe the movie didn’t want to piss off the socialist thinkers out there so they toned it down some. I think it should be manditory reading in high school, but then that would mean we would need to teach kids how to read and put down their phones.


Depends on which version of the movie.

They just did one that was actually THREE movies, on THREE dvds to make the entire movie.

It was not bad, it was not the book, but it was not bad.

Required reading? Yes

Along with
1984 - George Orwell
The Decline of the American Republic by John Flynn
The Naked Communist - W. Cleon Skousen
The 5000 Year Leap - W. Cleon Skousen,
perhaps even , None Dare Call It Treason - John Stormer
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Tempting of America - Judge Robert Bork

Lots of good ones…

and perhaps even Rules for Radicals to know what the other side is doing… or planning.

For us, we should include…On Killing and On Combat both by Dave Grossman…

maybe even More Guns Less Crime _ John lott


So yesterday was interesting with the termination of the Secretary of Defense and the evidence went to SCOTUS. I can’t help but think the firing is related somehow, the timing is too coincidental.

In all of what’s going on and as bad as the Dems are, I feel like the number one issue in this country is the media; it begins and ends with them. I started following politics during Obama’s tenure and CNN and NBC were my main news source. Somehow I stumbled into Laura Ingram on the radio and Fox New and got two different views. Over the course of his presidency you could see how different the news was becoming, totally different messages. Then when Trump gave his speech about illegal immigrants bringing us problems essentially, I really saw the bias in reporting. Unfortunately for people not watching different news sources, many only got the Trump is racist message while if you watch / listen to conservative media you got the full story. Our media has just devolved from there and so has our political environment. It’s amazing that we are facing the same news manipulation as the former USSR, China, N. Korea, and others. In the USA no less.



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I believe Biden is just a vehicle for Harris and Joe might fall pray to one of Hillary’s accidents.