2A Rights In Pennsylvania; Townships Setting Precedent to Ban Transfers; Shot Tec and FOAC fighting

Lower Merion Township in SE Pennsylvania has broken state pre-emption by banning new firearms businesses, specifically Shot Tec, and is trying to set precedent to spread across Pennsylvania. If you are in Pennsylvania this impacts you. In Pennsylvania, you are required by state and federal law to go to a local FFL (aka a gun store or place with a commercial firearms license) to buy, sell, transfer, etc, even if two brothers want to transfer ownership of a handgun. Lower Merion Township has targeted law abiding gun owners via a new ordinance that bans firearms businesses that do the background checks and paperwork the federal and state governments require— and if they can, any township in PA can. Firearms Owners Against Crime (FOAC) is sponsoring Shot Tec’s lawsuit. Shot Tec is simultaneously attempting to apply for the votes with The Board of Commissioners to become an FFL via their new process if it is at all possible (we shall see). If we were not primarily a training business, we would be forced to close. Eventually there will be a public comment section before the vote and we would greatly appreciate any and all support. We are selling “Train For Your Rights” T-Shirts and there are many other ways we can be supported during this time. A big one is to join FOAC who is sponsoring our lawsuit. Updates and opportunitues will be posted here: “Train for Your Rights” Join Shot Tec’s Fight for 2A Rights In Pennsylvania – Shot Tec


Speaking of which … y’all ARE NRA members. Right? Now would be a good time to join if you’re not!
If not, please join as soon as possible; they fight for us!!!
This link is NOT associated with my membership; I get nothing if you join except the satisfaction of knowing a fellow patriot might have joined because I mentioned it. :slight_smile: Join NRA | NRA Membership


We are NRA members but FOAC (Firearms Owners Against Crime) is sponsoring the lawsuit and has hired Prince Law Firm to fight for us. Maybe NRA will join down the road as they have sued LMT in the past alongside FOAC. Second Amendment Foundation has sponsored our lawsuit against the Sheriff who tried to illegally audit us. Thank God for USCCA and us being a training outfit primarily otherwise we would be out of business. Let us know what we can do for you and we really appreciate any and all support during this fight.

Thank God for https://community.usconcealedcarry.com/u/grant1 and USCCA and all of those who are willing to do more than talk. In a very real sense they are laying their lives on an unknown line; if the dems steal this election, they’ll be after us all! Keeping you guys in our prayers! I’d offer $$ but I’m tapped-out on other donations for the same cause(s) and Christianity. Stay strong, brother.