The following message is from Val W. Finnell, Pennsylvania Director of the GOA
On Wednesday, September 25, 2019, the PA Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on gun control legislation to include gun/magazine bans, “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders (GCOs), and universal background checks (UBCs). The hearing will be held in the Harrisburg State Capitol [North Office Building] Hearing Room 1, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
I will be testifying on behalf of GOA members across the Commonwealth to stop the Bloomberg-funded anti-gun agenda. But we need to have a strong showing from our members and supporters on the 25th.
So, I am personally asking you to make every effort to come to Harrisburg on September 25th at 1 PM. Bring your friends. The opposition will be out in force.
As you may recall, Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee chairperson, Senator Lisa Baker (R-20), is going back on her previous promise to gun owners by holding gun control hearings in the wake of the El Paso and Dayton atrocities.
In an August 6, 2019 public statement, Senator Baker called these hearings a “prelude to action” and that they will examine “what can be constitutionally accomplished in respect to weapons and ammunition.” That sure sounds like gun control to me!
On May 6, 2019, Senator Baker promised me, elected officials and other grassroots activists assembled that she had “no plans” to take up gun control legislation.
So, please come to Harrisburg on Wednesday, September 25th and stand up for your gun rights. Click the red button above or below to RSVP via Facebook. But even if you don’t have Facebook, please save the date and come anyway.
Val W. Finnell, MD, MPH
Pennsylvania Director
Gun Owners of America
Follow me on Twitter: @DrFinnell