18 Year olds - Open Carry

How’s THIS for personal. My nephew put a gun to his head at 18. Tragic as all hell and yet, statistically insignificant. Would never stopped me from training and arming ANY responsible 18 year old I meet. BTW his father was devastated by his death, and STILL has a house full of guns. Because he is not some driven by emotions and clearly knows access to firearms had NOTHING to do with what his son did. His son did this to himself and died at his own hand.

The 13 that died during our withdrawal from Afghanistan were killed by the biggest military failure of the century and the completely incompetent top of the chain of command at the time should all be in jail for getting them killed. When you sign up for military service you don’t sign up to die. You should expect that your superiors always play to win and give you the tools and training to do so.


@Enzo_T Oh I agree …As stated. I have no problems with my kids carrying at that age or drinking … They are responsible Individuals … Also I would like to take the opportunity to say. I am really sorry for your loss…
Sadly most times in service … You are just pawns in the bigger game… You also get sacrifice as such…
There are many times people should be held accountable for their incompetence… Giving false reports to facilitate their desires … We seem to be living in an era of no accountability…


The only point I’m trying to make is that availability a firearm has nothing to do with suicide any more than having a bottle of whisky in the house contributes to alcoholism.


Agreed … If they are mentally stable. I might worry about a couple people around here …Not pointing anyone out … They know who they are :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The military did not initiate that withdrawal willingly, it was a political decision. Our military is controlled by our civilian government. Our military wanted a more prudent gradual withdrawal timetable that would have allowed for force protection, and conservation of resources, equipment, especially weapons. But, Joe decided on that hasty abandonment that left our troops vulnerable.

I hate when politicians don’t listen to the military when making these decisions.

You don’t just turn tail and run, there are better ways to withdraw, there was no tactical imperative to make a haphazard withdrawal, that was totally a political choice.


Please explain how infringing on the Rights of 18 year olds by not allowing them to carry a handgun legally, will prevent suicide.

I’ll wait


I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. If you can carry a firearm FOR your country you should be able to carry a firearm IN you country.


I graduated from both BCT and AIT before my 18th birthday but then again, I was raised around and shot a lot of guns in my pre-teen/teen years before enlisting.


Old enough to open carry in the military, old enough to open carry period if they choose to.


@Nathan57 :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :roll_eyes:

My daughter fired her first handgun at 4 1/2 years old. My son was almost 6. The difference is boys are DUMB and not as mature as girls.

By the time they were 10 they were experienced and utterly responsible gun owners and hunters. Both of them implicitly trustworthy.

My daughter, during basic training, had fun showing her “instructor” how to disassemble and assemble an AR much faster than he could. Outshot him too. My son can pick up just about any handgun and outshoot its owner.


Actually, it’s fentanyl for age 18 up to 34.


There were a couple of us trainees that the DI’s picked out on the first range day to help the kids that had never handled/shot a firearm.


Good way to end up in a good place in your platoon. We made sure my daughter got a lot of extra attention before her first deployment. Had a few of my mentors come and work with her to make sure she was run-n’-gun ready. But then again she had an AR in her hands at 11-12 IIRC.


Hopefully, the great state of Florida will follow.


Welcome to the community, Ilan, we’re thankful that you’ve joined and hope that you enjoy your time online with us!

Take care & be well


I’m sympathetic to your pov of view. But you do realize that your 41% increase through the use of statistics looks like a big scary number until you put the actual numbers to the increase.

There’s alot more wrong with your statement that I don’t want to get in a pissing contest over but you are being misled on several key points or your citations are using statistics rather than the actual numbers to make the situation look far more dire than it actually is.

I am not saying you are being deceitful, I want to be clear on that.

I am saying that there are some nuances and factual differences in your source material. Again, I am sympathetic to your position but when dealing in a sensitive topic such as this. It pays to be correct.

Using the CDC as my source

Between 2020 and 2022, rates decreased for males ages 10–14 (3.6 deaths per 100,000 population to 2.8) and 15–24 (22.4 to 21.1), while rates increased for males age 25 and older.


You guys … I am not against 18 year olds carrying also I don’t think guns kill people, people use guns to kill people big difference …
What I did was report numbers that I have read… It was only meant to give you a reason why idiots think or see the numbers and want to do something to stop it … This is why in my very first post i said …

The education is not only for the kids. The parents to recognize when a kid is in trouble … I try to explain the numbers. I put it different ways so you can understand the outrage people feel… To help you understand, where they might be coming from. Even if it is an uneducated one …
Instead of going to someone like your neighbor … Man you are a foocking idiot guns don’t kill people … You lose them right there… Try to educate them to spot the the real problem and use the numbers to scare them … To pay more attention to those they love and support them. Find them help to resolve their personal issues…

I do not make the numbers. I report them … This is what I have read. I think it is a very bad trend and would love everyone’s help to change these numbers…

I do not disagree … The numbers I used was to reflect 18 to 21 … the difference in when you should be able to carry and when you can… It had to do with recent increase of deaths… If you want to change the laws you need to change the culture in most cases… Getting these numbers down with education… How to spot problems …
Like @Enzo_T did with teaching his girl first because boys are stupid :rofl: We need to also see that people get the help they need emotionally to reduce these numbers …

People used to ask me … Hey is your owner still an ahole … I would tell them he is 100% better than what he used to be… Sadly he was 10% a good guy and well being 100% better still is only 20% so he was still 80% ahole … :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think it is alright for an 18 year old with proper training to carry since they are given a rifle in the service and told to defend the country.