It’s easy to laugh at a Hogg but I wouldn’t underestimate this POS. He’s young, looks LGBQT+, and has a fanatical, martyr-like gleam in his eye that says, “… yes I’ll blow myself up to make a point.” The Left will do anything to be relevant again. Be careful out there brothers.
That crisis acting really is paying off for him
Thanks for the heads up and the reminder to stay vigilant. He looks like a young Newsom to me. Don’t fall for his passion.
You notice that he and his boss are both from Minnesota… land of tampons for boys. Yup, Tampon Tim is getting his revenge. On the plus side the liberals will just keep the sh1t they’ve been peddling that got them in trouble in the first place… the worst public approval rating ever, for any political party in history.
The democratic nutbag doth overfloweth.
Oh,yeah, the hogg boy, it only took the death of his classmates for him to gain his place in the wacky socialists world. Congratulations davy. You fit right in.
Google Hogg Redondo Beach
Another example of Democrats picking the worst individual to foist on the public and run political campaigns in hopes that this time will be different. Again.
When 2028 rolls around, if we still have elections by then, Ds may well run Hogg as their Presidental candidate for all the identity politics he represents. Of course, that may not happen if Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton are still alive as any of them would be worse Democrat choices than David Hogg.
I love it when someone uses a personal tragedy to build themselves a career doing a job for which they are awfully unqualified for but can elicit strong emotions from the weak minded. The Brady idiot comes to mind right away, who’s only job was parading her poor wheelchair bound husband for decades.
It’s also funny how they all end up as Democrats…
The hoggster is doing us a favor. No longer can any democrat say they are just wanting “reasonable laws on guns to enhance safety”. He has said any number of times that NO ONE should have a gun, period. And he is all for a door to door gathering up of our guns. That the militia mentioned in 2A meant the state National Guard units, not citizens. At least we will meet the demon head on!
The HE needs to be the only one to come take them away. Lead by example.
TtT, WtW.
Someone should tell him Musk is not the transportation secretary
He might as well put on the brown shirt and work on his goose step
It’s always fun when they’re trying to be condescending and they end up with egg all over their faces🤣
Desperately Seeking Attention. He just loves to be in front of the camera.
More like an omelette