Yep, they walk among us.

Have you never been hunting?


Nopeā€¦ My idea of roughing it now Brother is no room service.


Hunting, backpacking, wilderness campingā€¦



If you EVER see my OFWG Ass out in the desert please call the authorities
because Iā€™ve obviously lost my mind with zero hope of getting it back.
I thought back in the day Quonset Huts was roughing it. A TENT? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:The only stakes I want to see are on a plate! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Pooping on a fallen tree? It better be a Red wood! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Everything (2) and (4) legged Poops and Peeā€™s in the desertā€¦ HARD NO Sir!


When youā€™re above the treeline in the Rockies, miles (heck, a day) away from any facilities or infrastuctureā€¦you donā€™t even get a tree.


Don102 Sir Brother I BLEAVE We Are Americans and. . I am not GOING A LONG TO JUST GET ALONG :bangbang:if I have to Dig my self A FOX. Hole,:bangbang: YOU ARE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT :100: . Right we Are or rather the enemy IS ALL AROUND US.:bangbang: I KNOW THEY HAVE A THOUSAND TO ONE :bangbang: THEY SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT . MORE THAN THAT . REMEMBER THAT ALAMO :bangbang: WE PAID FOR OUR NASHION WITH BLOOD.:bangbang: SO ARE THEY . THE IN VADERS. That think. They can have our country . WITH OUT . THE SAME BLOOD. OF OUR FORFATHERS. We ARE AMERICANS . GOD BLESS THE USA :us: :chile::owl::feather::feather: AND EVERY LAST . One OF US THAT DEFEND . The HOME LAND. I FEEL LIKE WE ARE ALL IN A CAGE FIGHT AND NO ONE HAS . :bangbang:SAID DEFEND YOUR SELFS. AT ALL TIMES :question::question::question::question:WHAT THE . HELL IS GOING ON TRUELY.Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::chile::us::100::100::100:OUR LEADERS NEED TO GIVE EVERY AMERICAN ā€¦PROMISHION. TO DEFEND. OUR SELFS :100::100::100::100::100::100:can ANYONE SEE OUR COUNTRY FALLING IN TO ENEMY HANDS RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERY ONE OF US :question::question::question::us::chile::question::question::question::question::question::question::wilted_flower::wilted_flower::wilted_flower::wilted_flower::white_check_mark:

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Robert I Love every member of the USCCA :bangbang::us: YES SOME I JUST DO NOT LIKE BUT THEY DO NOT LIKE ME :bangbang: BUT I LOVE EVERY AMERICAN :us: THAT WILL FIGHT FOR OUR NASHION NO MATTER IF YOU LIKE ME . :bangbang: YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIKE ME IN ORDER TO SHOOT AT THE ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA :us: AND NOT SHOOT AT ME . KAZ LIKE ME OR NOT WE ARE . ON THE SAME SIDE .:bangbang::us:OURS AMERICAN :us: SIDE Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::chile::us::us::us::100::100::100::heart::white_heart::blue_heart: WE ARE FAMILY. No matter what :white_check_mark:


Or even working in the field. But not video tape it and post to social media.


Biden (PUDDING PANTS) started all this. Now every democrat follows in some way or other. Come election, itā€™s time to ā€œWIPEā€ demos out of the WALLS of the OFFICE! :mask: :poop: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:


A ā€œPudding Pantsā€ CONVERT! Hoo-Rah! Welcome to the fold Brother
We may not have many members yet but we are scary as hell!



If you refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor, You may be a Muslim.

  1. If you own a $3,000 machine gun and a $5,000 rocket launcher, but you canā€™t afford shoes, You may be a Muslim.

  2. If you have more wives than teeth, You may be a Muslim.

  3. If you wipe your butt with your bare hand but consider bacon to be unclean, You may be a Muslim.

  4. If you think vests come in two styles: Bullet-proof and suicide. You may be a Muslim

  5. If you canā€™t think of anyone you havenā€™t declared jihad against, You may be a Muslim.

  6. If you consider television dangerous but routinely carry explosives in your clothing, You may be a Muslim.

  7. If you were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs, You may be a Muslim.

  8. If you have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four, You may be a Muslim.

  9. If you find this offensive and donā€™t forward it, You may be a Muslim.


Don102 SIR BROTHER :bangbang: WE DEFINITELY :bangbang: HAVE SOME VERY SCARY MEMBERS I AM . Trying not to turn in to a fen vampire :woman_vampire: :bangbang: I DEFINITELY NEED A TRANSFUSION. Haw haw and just use my AZZ to stop rounds coming in . And who who would have thought stupid . Was not useful :bangbang::100: AND WELCOME TO THE NEW BROTHER :bangbang: I LOVE ya SIR. I WILL WALK BEFORE YOU ANY DAY OR NIGHT BROTHERS. We are all needed . I Am definitely GOOD AT STOPPING BULLETSā€‹:bangbang::us::us::us::chile::heart::white_heart::blue_heart:. Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::notes::notes::notes::dizzy::zap::zap::fire::paw_prints::owl::100::100::100:

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William 191 i had to read that ten times to figure out that I am not one of those rag heads. My GOD . I definitely hate the killerā€™s just as much as they hate me and my country . But no we have to stop that list of crazy crap :poop: you just said my GOD . Thatā€™s not even A RED NECK . Thems BASTARDS BASTARDS BASTARDS SIR . Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::us::us::us::chile::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::dizzy::zap::zap::100:


Atleast she didnā€™t pee in the snow? :roll_eyes::rofl:


That is so funny that should be the funniest thing said all month brother my God that was very very very very Fen funny my lord I have root beer coming out of my eyes Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::us::chile::us::us::us::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::+1::+1::+1::dizzy::paw_prints::white_check_mark:


Mark697, every Day this side of the grass!!! Thatā€™s. So true. Every single Day I am SO THANKFUL :bangbang::owl::feather::feather:that the people that I Love and my self are still . Above ground!! I Lost my Daddy :bangbang: when I was 18. And I just got to meet him.!! I am sorry for your loss . And as would only pay. Four hundred dollars . So at .18. I was trying to get the money too . Take care of everything . And we sent his SS. Checks back and they sent them back . And we thought we are just trying get enough money to Lay him to rest . And the SS. Kept sending his check to his address . They have messed up .:bangbang: EVERYTHING . And we needed that money :bangbang: AND WE HAD TO KEEP SENDING IT BACK .:bangbang: THAT WAS A SICK JOKE . Brother at . THE WORST TIME IN MY VERY YOUNG LIFE :bangbang: I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE LOVE. Bobby Jean :us::chile::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::owl::feather::feather:.every day is A GREAT DAY :us::chile:


WTF is wrong with people.?

Why do private matters become an opportunity to say look at me, Iā€™m relavent.

Why are we as a society allowing the dregs to be normalized?

Why are we living in a modern Babel?

There is a reason doors are closed and these repulsive people and their actions should be behind these closed doors. Itā€™s not normal or moral. Pedos, baby killers, extreme Muslim, CRT, public homosexuality, and just evil, need to be taboo again. Just my .02.

Let the flaming begin. I will stand by what I said.

This will be judged on each and everyone of us for allowing this to become acceptable. Stand now or be judged for doing nothing. (If you believe)

Sorry, a little off topic. I know this was supposed to be light hearted.


Actually Iā€™m amazed itā€™s still there. I thought our masked flaggot would been insulated as soon as s/he, her/him, them/us saw it.


If I thought you were serious, I would find it offensive. I hope you find it offensive to promote hate towards people of a religion.


I donā€™t believe in promoting hate but most of the time people canā€™t tell the difference between telling the truth and making a joke. Sometimes in life people need to realize that the shoe fits accepting the reality of that truth.