will you PLEASE either FIX the downlaod free add thing or


I get so tried of the blink blink long blink screen dark crap!!!

it is NOT resetting correctly OR keeps testing for input even AFTER the input was given!!!



Can you explain what actually happens? Any details?

Is this message for us, regular members, or do you want to address it to USCCA people?


I don’t get that any more, haven’t for a little while. I think if I am understanding, I did before, but not now.

What are you using to access the community when it happens?


explain??? already explained more then once but here ya go again…

add appears for free download… ALREADY downloaded it BTW…

I close the add…

now where ever I go after that the screen blinks and sometimes goes dark for a few seconds…

VERY irritating BTW… trying to read something and BLINK… BLINK… dark screen…

I retired from computer programming and system analyst…

and was the computer department where I worked… so…

the situation LOOKS very much like…

  1. the setting for the download is NOT being closed/turned off once it’s downloaded???

  2. by NOT turning off/resetting the switch the download add continues AND cause a blink…

  3. because the program see the add is clicked off but the switch is NOT reset to OH OK done here…

so it CONTINUES to try to show the add but then says oh the customer turned off the add… BLINK BLINK

etc… the program SEEMS to see the add is clicked OFF BUT it does not STOP testing to load the add…

nor does it turn off once the free download has been downloaded…

it keeps testing and trying to display blinking the add…



suggests LAZY??? programming??? incomplete system analysis? lack of an off switch???


and leave it that way UNTIL you have a NEW add??? then turn that off WHEN… etc…

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so did the above which is a repeat of previous explanations work???

did your programmer… system admin understand the above???

is a programming diagram needed here???

step 1 display add and wait for input

step 2 TEST of input for download or close of add… if true proceed and turn off test/program

step 3 turn off display add if either of above are TRUE

is for them!!!


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I wish to express this download the free add SEEMS to have affected normal display of selected post???

I say this because this display thing did NOT start until the free add download system was put in…

have to reload or move way up on the post and click to actually SEE what has been selected???

then back down to see the new post???

strongly suggest that a switch/test has NOT been correctly dealt with or correctly reset???

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I know anything that doesn’t work as we expect might be frustrating.

I’m still confused about the add.
Blinking has been addressed several times and the only solution I found for myself was to log out from community, then log back in.

Please be also advised that posting without calling out the person you would like to address the post to wouldn’t do anything. Members like me will or won’t read it and may or may not respond.

I know that calling @moderators do nothing these days, but I’m pretty sure @Tim.D_USCCA will respond and hopefully find a solution which will work for you.

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who is the programmer for this then???

it’s rather difficult to address this person IF I don’t have a name/source!!!

also logging off then back on for me does NOT fix the issue!!! it just displays the add again and…

the blinking continues…

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Hey, I’m trying to help.
Don’t ask me the questions none of the Members knows answers to.

I already called @Tim.D_USCCA out. Hopefully he responds.

You can always call USCCA directly and tell them what your issue is.


Can you post a screenshot?
I still have no idea what is this about.


sorry not trying to say you are the problem…

just frustrated with all this and been trying for awhile now to get it fixed!!!

and posting a screen shot of blinking??? I don’t see that happening…

as to the display of post you see everything normal but the post area is BLANK…

you do not see what was posted picture in your mind if you will…

you see the info for the thread and the line across the screen but the area below the line is BLANK…

no solution, thumbs up, link (chain), flag, or bookmark post, or reply…

no post just blank…

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best I can do…

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I cannot help further if logging out and in did not work.
This has been working for me several times.

There’s another thread about it and somebody mentioned clearing browser cache.
Perhaps that would works.
Remember to log out first form Community before clearing the cache.


is a stop gap kinda suggestion???

and why do users have to jump through a bunch of hoops to use this forum???

would be better if the programmer FIXED the issue IMHO…

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Blank thread was also part of my problems along with blinking.
Same fix for me for both issues.

Try to log out, clear cache, login

If doesn’t work, try different browser.

Finally - wait for one of @moderators to respond or call USCCA directly.


Of course it would be the best solution… but you already found out how it works…

I cannot give more advices than fixes that worked for me and other members.

If those information I provided didn’t help, nothing I can do more.


thanks for trying all the same! appreciate it a lot… at least I got a response sort of :vulcan_salute:


Hey guys! Sorry for just seeing this now. I’m not positive as to what is causing this. The best first step if you have not done this is to clear cookies and cache and use Google Chrome. Chrome seems to be the best browser to use and has fewer issues.

The community itself is also not our website. It is hosted through “discourse” so issues that arise are not always something that we can control.

Please try the options above, and let me know if that resolves the issues for you.


Continuing the problem reported…

I really have no clue what the reason might be…

  1. I’m using Google Chrome
  2. all was good for over week or so…
  3. then I tried to read the recent thread

and boom…

  1. I logged out, clear browser’s cache and logged in

That is the only fix that has been working for me so far… however this issue, reported by several Members, has been very annoying… :triumph: :rage: :angry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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yep VERY… and NOTHING seems to actually FIX this issue…


it STARTED with the very first download the free information add!

was fine until then… but since the add started many things SEEM to be not working correctly…

I keep saying the test or switch is NOT being addressed properly!!!

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