Ok everyone,here’s a hypothetical question for yall. The operative word being hypathetical of course. As an experienced marksman,retired marine and, law abiding citizen with a ccw for many years now. Should ,god forbid, my wife or I ever need to use a firearm to defend ourselves. We understand we would be arrested however in the case of a justified use of a gun. Once the case is closed what becomes of that particular gun once the gavel drops and the case is closed ? Now I’ve heard several stories from lots of places. Like gun is kept indefinatley I’ve heard the department has to purchase the weapon from you but still keeps the weapon in question too. Seems to me it would be returned to its rightful owner though.were just curious.
Good question and I believe in a justifiable shooting incident you get your gun returned to you. At least 99 percent sure. Why wouldn’t they If you were cleared?
This what I was thinking as well. But some points had been brought up about the weapons themselves such as how long it could take to return them to ya, whether or not they could keep them for ever for whatever reason. Etc. The reason I ask is I carry a kimber,not a cheap weapon at all was thinking it may be a good idea to carry a more shall we say…run of the mill handgun. You know,a bit more easily replaced in such an event.
Some carry less expensive guns for that reason. I carry the gun I shoot the best and have the most confidence in. The chance of me being in a shooting is extremely rare, but if I need a gun, I wan’t the best I have with me. Now, saying that, I own more than one gun I shoot well with…
Even if I don’t get the gun back, which I am sure I would eventually, I would consider the gun had done it’s job.
I would think that you would get the gun back depending on your State. That being said, they could “take their time” doing it resulting in a year or more wait. Do you have any police friends? you could ask one of them who have been on the force for a long time. If you are ever in that situation of self defense battle in court, have the Lawyer assist in this matter as part of the case? That could always be an option to speed up the process of getting your firearm back.
- Semper Fi Brother
Agreed 100 percent…I carry my kimber simply because I’m more comfortable with a 1911 as opposed to an internal hammer weapon like glock…though I have both…and use them all quite well…still more comfortable keeping one in the chamber with the hammer down lol…guess I’m old school like that. Lol
Oh absolutely…lawyer lawyer lawyer lol…no doubt about it. Especially with the way society is today. I’d just hate to have a 2k handgun sitting in limbo while the powers that be take thier time lol. Semper fi
Your legal firearm will probably end up in an officers personal collection… was told this by a 2A lawyer- in Omaha anyway.
I think it depends on the local jurisdiction. Everything I have heard suggests not holding one’s breathe. The one case I personally know about, it took a couple years to get the pistol back.
Thank you all for the input. I do believe I’ll be changing my daily carry just to be safe.
I carry a gun I am comfortable carrying and one which I can afford. I’m never going to change my carry gun just because I fear it could be confiscated after using it to defend myself.
Getting my carry weapon back would be the least of my worries at that point.
In Omaha, about 5-6 months ago, a man used his pistol defending himself against a robber downtown… he fired 2 shots and missed the bad guy. The police confiscated his weapon, but no charges were filed. The police have not returned his legally owned pistol and probably won’t. Omaha police are very anti-2A and anti-CCW. His firearm cost him $2000.00-- that is why the HIS attorney said that it will end up in a policeman’s collection.
I suppose the option to loosing the firearm is “reckless endangerment” given that he missed…
Shouldn’t apply… the police are notorious for fires dozens of shots and still missing their target. No charges were filed, so I don’t think that charge was filed, either. The very liberal prosecuting attorney is just punishing the man by abusing his authority. My Humble Opinion.
I tend to think I know much more clearly, faster, what condition my pistol is in based upon my recognition of the position of it’s hammer. (Huh, I think I just said “Old School!” fancy that?)
Just think, if he’d been cued in about USCCA and the event had been rated a factual and justified self-defense event he’d have seen a nice check to replace the arm.
He was defended by a USCCA lawyer, And he did get a nice fat check, unfortunately-- handguns are very difficult to get right now.
oh, raspberries… /sigh
Well, at least the fingers are crossed he’ll find his next soon.
Hey, maybe a letter to the manufacturer, include the case report, plead abjectly for some direct intervention? (what could it hurt?)
My experience has been that you never see the firearm again!
No trouble getting almost any firearm from Rural King. I am talking about now.