What old-school TV show would you bring back?

Jericho that was a series? I thought it was a training video :wink:


Has anyone mentioned ‘The Twilight Zone’? Love it Love it!


so many bikers all wished they had a Broson rock… so they could fix their bikes… :rofl:


Alf… HAAA!!

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I still watch the twilight zone, it’s in my cable tv package ( Syfy channel )
It’s timeless entertainment. The interesting about it is seeing actors when the first started their acting careers, IE: William Shatner from Star trek, Betty Davis on wagon train and Clint Eastwood on Rawhide.


The Outer Limits is coming to mind seeing your post. Got to see if my memory is …yeah, we’re good. Just found it on YouTube, complete with a Salem cigarette ad to start things off…“Salem softness freshens your taste!!”

Looks like there’s hours of this. Sweet.

Forget which series had Billy Mumy as that all powerful kid who could teleport people away or turn them into chickens or whatnot. More suspense with 6 actors and a room than modern shows with millions spent on special effects.


Billy Mumy was in “The Twilight Zone.” TTZ has been brought back three times, and in movie form. IMHO none of the reboots have been as good as the original anthology.

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sadly… I think the PTB would go all woke on anything that got brought back… as they have already done…


our younger generations might fail to see the values we saw???

just an opinion…

NBC is Bringing back a woke version of “Quantum Leap,” and are admitting it is woke. Was excited at first now It is on my “Not to watch list.”

Quantum Leap!!! loved that show


I’m a Norris fan, so
Walker, Texas Ranger
Bonanza (ALL of the episodes)
The Rifleman
Wagon Train
Star Trek (TOS thru Enterprise, anything later makes me sick)
Space, 1999
Flash Gordon (the original)
Tom & Jerry
The Bugs Bunny Show with all of his friends)
The Jetsons
Roger Ramjet
Guess Id better go now…


I think the Bill Mumy episode was “The Monster” - AGH! AGH! I’m heading for the cornfield!

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Sorry - “It’s a Good Life” is the episode - must’ve had “Rootin’-Tootin” Putin in mind.

Some shows are classics for a reason and some just get lost in the memory hole of time. Space 1999 really needs a retread.

If the kept the title it would have to be a comedy…

When I was 5, it was serious. Now that I am old, it’s more or less a comedy. I ask myself how it was I was so entertained an enthralled.

So yeah, comedy would be hilarious. Seeing Commander Koenig playing the part of the straight man during a sci-if Monty Pythonesque show would be awesome.