Wayne Root on the upcoming Presidential debate on CNN

For reference, Wayne was at Columbia the same time as Barry supposedly was.


I’ve never understood why they don’t just control the mics.

If it isn’t your turn? Mic off.

If you start spewing crap not related to the question. Mic off.

This isn’t a complicated problem.

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Seems “wired” is going to take on a whole new meaning :exclamation:

Drug tested and searched, absolutely. No advance warnings.


Insist on NO teleprompters. NO notes on the podium in front of him. Team Trump needs to be able to jam the signal to his ear piece. NO questions submitted before the debate. Each candidate much answer on the spot without drug enhanced persona.

The “Old Joe” replacement theory has merit. The old idiom has meaning “Hide and Watch”.

Our country cannot survive another 4 years of this insane Democrat policy direction and weakness on the world stage.


Biden, Trump and their political camps appear to be all in on this CNN debate because it gets them out of the traditional debate system where they would also have to debate RFK Jr.

They can’t risk letting anyone mess with the corrupt two party system’s hold on power.

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You might not know; the candidates and their parties have terms before they debate. IIRC one of Hillary’s in later debates was the Donald couldn’t roam the stage.

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No live audience. Can’t have people applauding more for one candidate over the other. Only debates at liberal MSM outlets to keep control of the narrative.

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I have to agree with the no audience rule. It’s a debate, not a show. I also agree with cutting off the microphone when the speaker’s time runs out (Mike Pence was one of the worst offenders!). It might make them answer the damn question instead of bloviating about whatever they feel like. Politicians never know when to shut up.

As for the biased questions; you’re not going to get unbiased questions no matter who runs the thing. No matter who does it, it’s either going to slant far left or far right.

I disagree, I think they can find impartial moderators. They would have to look for them but I think there are still ethical journalists who can put aside their personal opinions and feelings for an hour. Now the question is can a liberal journalist do that? Or would a liberal outlet take the time to do it?


I think you answered your own question. That’s an oxymoron. Not a real thing.

I was trying to beg the question from the liberals we have roaming around here. Would you set aside your bias for an hour?

You are right it’s an oxymoron.

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I do know, but it would seem to benefit both of them…and us, the viewers/voters.

Welcome Rick A I agree with everything you had to say 100%. I also believe people have already made a decision on who they’re voting for I don’t think a debate will sway anyone.

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There are definitely some pansy snowflakes on here who love to talk c r a p about “orange man bad” and “muh insurrectionists” then mass flag you if you reply. You are welcome to your opinion, and so am I. Grow a pair. Looking at you @mark697….

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Imagine people who do not believe the Orange man should be President. Sounds like you’re the one who needs a Binky, Cpgumby.

As I said, you certainly are entitled to your opinion. The problem is when you start to act in ways preventing others from having theirs. This isn’t Facebook, and by the very nature of being a 2A friendly platform, it is very likely that most people here will be conservative. I find your petulance amusing, but I don’t try to to silence you. How about you extend some of the same courtesy?