This week I got a phone scam were two “Federal Agents” would come to my house and put my savings on a gift card. I told them I would call them back after talking to the police and my lawyer. I went to the police here in Gurnee, Il. (population 30,500) and talked to a officer. I told him of the scam and said if they did show up I would first call the police then get my Sig ready. He replied thanks for that was the proper response. Last year I inherited my first gun ever from a close friend, got my FOID card and took the concealed weapon course. Mainly I wanted to learn safety as I did not want to shoot someone or me accidently. The Gurnee police have their own gun range I wondered later on if they can offer a safety course and how to interact with police at a traffic stop or when they come to your home. It would be nice to get some free range time and meet with the police. Right now with so many people buying guns I fear many do not how to use them safely and can endanger others or themselves. Perhaps first time buyer should be required to take a safety course. I have seen some stupid things on the range and even a conceded carry instructor banned from a range after he was doing dangerous things in class (waving a pistol around) and bragging how he shot himself in the hand while cleaning a gun.
Yes, people need to know how to properly handle firearms, even those that do not own them should still know. As you stated, even those that have been “trained” do not necessarily know or follow firearm safety rules. Neither does being a first-time buyer mean that person does not know firearm safety rules. Those rules were ingrained into me well before I can even remember, and a very long time before I purchased my own firearm.
@Fred30 Welcome. Here are two topics that may interest you. Stay safe, Bruce and Nancy.
Shooting Competency for Carry Permit?
5 Things to Do When the Police Pull You Over
You’d be surprised how many in law enforcement aren’t neccsarilly “gun guys” Maybe the swat team guys would be helpful, but a lot of officers may actually teach you bad habits. It would be a great opportunity to improve community relations though!
I am saying this in jest but perhaps testing people for their IQ before they drive a car or get a gun since the gene pool is a good idea since it is missing a filter. Tomorrow or Tuesday I will talk to the Chief about this but if accepted I am afraid that the antigun activists will see that as making a private militia for the police force. I have heard from a reliable source above their range are the holding cell gun practice in the morning, should make a good wakeup call
Here’s the problem - who decides on the content of the safety course? Who teaches it, where do they teach it, and how much does the course cost? Who enforces this law, and what are the penalties for violating it.
And lastly - do we enact the same restrictions on our other Constitutional rights, or just this one?
Our rights now are being trashed, Political corrections has limited our free speech, censorship of views by private companies, the right to gather for worship, closing business the list goes on. All this for the greater good. Good intentions often lead to bad unintentional results. No easy answer but I agree it is bad when one foot is in the door it gets worse and they want more,
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Hi Kurt! How are you?
I wanted to ask if brass bullets with a steel polymere casing leave partial residue buildup in a firearm? Pros and cons?
Thank you for any advice!
Mandatory class for children in schools.
At elementary level, start with the rules of gun safety.
Move up to basic manipulation with unloaded guns and SIRT pistols at middle school. Live fire in high school. If kids can safely do chemistry, archery and shop class without killing or maiming each other, they should be able to handle firearms safely in a controlled environment.
Sex ed is OK so firearms education should be OK too.
I was given my first rifle at the age of 10. Grew up on a farm. Most folks I knew at the time all owned a gun. My folks didn’t even bat an eye when I took my rifle into woods to target shoot or hunt. My grandpa first let me shoot. It was at tin can or piece of wood. He pinched me on the arm then told me to pinch the can. Well of course the can was harder. I saw what the bullet did to the can,also realized what it would do to my arm. To violate safety would have meant being be grounded from use of my rifle. So safety became second nature