Two short book reviews

A while back, the Constitution Party sent to me some books.

“A MIRACLE That Changed the World; THE 5000 YEAR LEAP” by W. Cleon Skousen. It is a disquisition on the 28 Principles of Liberty upon which our Constitution and federal government were founded. The book is well written, extensively researched, and well worth your time to read.

Upon my first reading, I concluded that America is going down, and that it will take another Miracle to save her. I’m 3/4 through my second reading, and have not concluded differently.

Another of the books I read was “Saving The Constitution” By Richard Proctor PhD. The author goes through the Constitution Article by Article and each of the Amendments; defining terms and phrases as understood by the founders. Throughout, he brings to the reader’s attention wherein the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government have usurped their authority and abrogated their oath of office. To my knowledge there is only one egregious error; his misunderstanding of the 16th Amendment. A proper understanding of the 16th can be found at:

There is a proposal whereby the country can regain what has been lost, at:

If the new hires at work are a representative sample of the population as a whole, I am NOT hopeful for America. Change my mind. Please?

Take a guess: How much of the Constitution remains in force?



Outstanding study. Thank you kindly, and most appreciatively.

I consider myself a constitutional conservative in the spirit it was written and is interpreted by our conservative Justices.

Principally, that it says what it says, and doesn’t say what it doesn’t without biased spin, or wishful thinking to the contrary.

I have sworn multiple times in my 25-year military career to uphold and defend our Constitution.

I am a “Soldier for Life,” my oaths have no exception.


Just placed my order, there was 1 left, Saving the Constitution! Hope no one beats me to it!


Our current ‘education system’ is the leading cause of failure of youngsters to understand our history, rights, and liberties. This will remain so as long as parents continue to send their kids to these indoctrination centers. Historically, parents educated their children, along with the church and community. Public schools and so-called ‘higher education’ universities and colleges are, for the most part, garbage containers of propaganda (including ivy league institutions).

There are a few exceptions, like Hillsdale College, but rare indeed. And now, they have become more like a police state, as shown in this eye-opening article from the Ron Paul Institute.

This is a huge wake-up call and most parents are asleep at the wheel. In my mind, this is priority #1, over every other crisis facing America today. All the craziness can probably be traced to a failure to understand who we are, where we came from and what it means to be a citizen. This has to be learned from the get go and the education must continue through elementary, high school, university and beyond. Parents are the key, not the state and not the federal government.



Some of us veterans are a special breed of Constitutionist.

From Webster’s 1828:
CONSTITUTIONIST, noun One who adheres to the constitution of the country.

12B Essayon


Beware the error with regard to the 16th Amendment.

I used to be ignerunt, too.



One of 28 reasons I think America will go down into the septic tank with the rest of failed governments…

Principle 23 - A free society cannot survive as a republic without a broad program of general education.

The other 27 reasons were not adhered to, either.

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Never went to kolij; that’s why I can still THINK.

Trade school and hard work made for a good life…

… and I ain’t a;

I AM a;
Not many of us out here…


(Well for one thing besides the single, or a few term’ers who took their oath at enlistment, or reenlistment seriously, and Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines. Guardians for Life who took enough oaths compounded to retire, non of which, expires.

So, in that sense all military veterans are sworn constitutionalists especially, since they abolished the draft, and we all became members of the all volunteer armed forces, Brothers all.

We are all swarn to: “…uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America :us:

I for one take my obligations to God, Family, and Country very seriously.)