Twitter Permanently Bans President Donald Trump

Except this and this.

To which “rules” are you referring?

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Probably just a coincidence that Trump gets banned from Twitter and Parler is taken offline during the week when Pelosi promised to impeach the President. Just a very convenient coincidence.


So does Delta Defense (the IT arm of USCCA) host on AWS (Amazon Web Services)? I think this site uses the Discourse software ( , but does Discourse in turn host through AWS and/or use the AWS cloud APIs (application programming interfaces)? I wonder how soon sites that are pro-2A will be driven off of web hosting platforms, as has happened with Parler.


“Rules for thee but not for me.”


Generally speaking there are two paths to content moderation. AI/ML (as you wrote about) and User Reported. Both end up at a person’s computer screen who decides they are going to censor it or not. AI/ML may not flag a post on it’s own, but it doesn’t have the authority to “unflag” a post.

This report from the “New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights” has some info which jives with what I know/have heard about these inner workings not just for the big Social Media Giants, but pretty much anyone who has to deal with content. The numbers reported here generally tie in with this article from the Washington Post in 2019.

One of the challenges is that there are not enough moderators, Facebook having ~15k, Youtube/Google has ~10k, and Twitter has ~1500. I think it’s safe to assume those numbers went up during 2020. The other challenge is that many of these moderators are contractors or working for 3rd party’s. Another challenge is a significant number of them are overseas ( i know for FB this has been a known issue).


But at the end of the day, there is a person looking at these tweets (flagged by users) and deciding that it’s OK to advocate for violence in some situations but not others. And since most of the employees of these companies tend to lean in a certain direction politically, their moderation reflects that.


Wait…you ain’t seen nothing yet!


Parler apparently has been breached.

Skimming what’s been proclaimed on Twitter they were able to work around authentication (rather trivially it seems) and create a bunch of admin accounts. All of those admin accounts were circulated and someone wrote an app similar to SETI (if ya’ll remember that app) so everyone who runs it downloads a piece of content from Parler.

Apparently Parler didn’t fully delete content (just marked as deleted, also known as a soft-delete, very common), so folks who went in after Capital Day to delete their “questionable content”… their stuff is still there and currently being downloaded.

To add further insult to injury, many people had “verified” accounts, which means their driver’s license and other info used to verify are in the content being downloaded.

The goal by the those grabbing all this data is to compile a list of who said what and use that info in the real world for doxxing, embarassment, getting people cancelled, etc.


Alien scene

Trying to add a little levity to the recent events… :rocket:

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Big Banks apparently stopped donating to the Rep politicians involved in disputing of electoral results. I cannot decide if this is a good thing actually, or not?
On a side note, Banks supporting Robbers while defunding Cops and pro-Cop politicians is schizo.

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Impossible to tell if true or not at this point, but crooks apparently stole advertisement data, not communications.

That article date says its from November

You can follow the shenanigans on Reddit & Twitter →

It appears more info is coming out, less of a “hack” and more downloading from public/unsecured endpoints. This commenter says most of the prior reports were overstated.

This is something to watch as it goes on, lots of folks are claiming stuff they have, others are saying they dont have it. (sounds like everything else these days).

I have no doubt, the left learned very well from anti-bullying classes, reversed the psychology, and is using every method to spread fear, despair and misery. Such is the left!


Think this is ridiculous. He speaks his mind and tells it like it is! Biden is going to take everything from us and whatever else he can!!

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The list is expanding. has been booted from Godaddy DNS.

@Dawn I don’t know or want to presume where USCCA infrastructure is located, but I would very highly encourage ya’ll to find some alternative hosting solutions “just in case”. DNS, Email, Hosting, CDN, etc, etc, etc. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but it’s coming.


This is some sort of Orwellian nightmare. Is our Republic really this far gone?


Bad guys are going to love it!

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I fear that they’re only just warming up.


Annnnnd another one…


He’s not wrong, but all of these talking head places need to hire better people. They all come across like angry 13 yar old girls throwing a fit to me. I can’t watch them. With better figureheads, they could make a lot more progress on both sides.

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