They are planning something be prepared

“Insha Allah my Brother”

(Oopsie, wrong thread) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well said, and we can’t do a thing about this if we have zero weapons. That is their take over plan. I love my country withall that is with in me. i know we are in for a long road if she gets in & gets her way. You can say good by to everything. all you have ever had or worked for all your life. And better understand there will never be a come back .


Sad but true Sir. I am not alone in saying under the President of the United States Donald John Trump I did well. My family prospered. Jobs were plentiful. Expenses were manageable. All was right in our world. Since the installation of the untasty Pudding my wealth diminished, I’ve lost stuff, I’ve spent more for less, and my Security has crumbled. I am living on my Savings I painstakingly Saved and Nurtured over the last (30) years. They have done serious damage to me and my fellow Americans in a very short time and they are not done yet.
They want it all and make no efforts to disguise it. WE ARE IN THEIR WAY.
The Enemy has been hit hard (so I’ve heard) but they are willing to risk it all for success.
The old saying goes 'As long as I (A messenger) has breath in their lungs they will stop @ nothing to silence that message.
OUR FIGHT IS A NOBEL ONE. The Greek 300 had a similar fight. So did Americans in Bastogne in WW2—the message to our enemies is the same------‘NUTS!’. :fu:


I’m right there with you brother. My savings is gone. My business took huge hits from Covid, then the double whammy of inflation and interest rates. Customers dried up and stopped buying because they couldn’t afford the financing and costs. My food and fuel got so much more expensive, I have no money left for anything but survival, literally.

I’m holding a 29 year old truck together the best I can, no vacations in years, no good steaks to eat, no dinner out with my wife, nothing. Sold my boat that I’d had had for years: couldn’t afford gas and maintenance, and needed the cash. Four years ago life was 100% different. We had money. We had fun. We got out and did stuff, and were happy. We could afford to live like we’d earned, as hard working, 30+ year career professionals. We had a retirement planned. That’s gone now, and retirement is pushed out for years.

Yeah, elections phuckin matter. I’m beyond frustrated at people who will vote based on skin color, gender and joy, but ignore what has really happened to the American way of life and how what we’ve earned and worked for was blown up so quickly. If I hear thr word “historic” attached to Harris one more time I’m going to puke. Yeah, historic because she’s the first candidate who was installed without a single vote. Historic because she was consistently rated as history’s most unpopular VP. Historic because she’s the border czar presiding over the biggest invasion of our country in history. Yeah, phuckin historic, for sure.


You sir, have been paying attention!


China, Russia Iran are all writing us off. We’re done. They have their BRICS org and are thriving and want to keep it that way.

You can’t hold back Iran anymore. Their economy now thrives because of their Russia connections. They make super drones super fast and flood the skies with them. Israel can’t beat them, USA can no longer beat them. If we go to war with Iran, it will finish us off economically. We can’t afford it. We don’t have the manpower. We no longer even control the Red Sea and are ordered out.

Hezbollah has a monster presence in Mexico and some in the USA. We are surrounded by enemies on our own soil and most don’t have a clue, have done nothing to prepare. Nothing.

This guy is right on about the LDS. I get almost all my food stores from them. Inexpensive and they have all you need. Mormons are master preppers!

Get ready, kids, the Great American Meltdown is well underway.


“Morituri te salutant.” :fu:(“We who are about to die salute you!” :fu:) Ave Imperator

I’m ready


We did and we failed miserably!
Boycotting won’t work, they own everything, they are the gate keepers!
We all know there’s only one way out!
Tonight one man is about to give it his one last best shot against an idiot.


Stand up? For what? The country? What country? You call this a country? Lol! Look around you. You’d fight for these turds?! Lol! What for? Who are you protecting? The rich to get richer? The poor to get poorer?

Nah, let it all crash. Take a job with little to no responsibility and hang tight. Run your little business while they’ll still let you. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Know your neighbors. Prep. Shoot. Stay fit. Repeat. And the sun will come up in the mornin’.

Stand up for yourselves, man!

The fittest will survive. The soft will perish.

The blood that will pour in this century will make the 20th look like kids squabbling in a sandbox.

Stay alive. Stay hard. Hard reset incoming.

We will need rebuild.

Life is hard. Get used to it.


@Ted64 , You seem like a cop hating anarchist. Are you a member of antifa?

This republic is declining, but it’s not dead just yet. If everybody gives up on it, it will die for sure. While it still exists, IT MUST BE FOUGHT FOR! There are thousands of dead men who fought for our Republic that demand us to fight for it now.

If we loose, we must not do so unless we all die in the process. Only then would our honor be clean.

Just saying “screw it, let it die, what do I care” is dishonorable and frankly rather cowardly.


It’s already dead, is what I’m saying. I called it way back in 2006. That’s when I realized we’re not coming out of this mess.

This is not the country I grew up in. This is not what was promised to me nor to anyone else here.

Again, fight for what? Washington DC? They’re not my country. The governor, the cops? They’re not my country.

What made this country is the Bill of Rights. And we don’t have that anymore.

We aren’t even safe and secure in our own homes–from the police!-- anymore.

When cops, judges, lawyers are all running around flagrantly breaking the laws and laughing about it–there is no law anymore. What you have is a population wealthy enough still to afford to keep this scheme and machine alive, for the moment. We still have all the lights on and give the appearance everything is hunky-dory. But the reality is nothing of the kind. We’re a hollowed out husk.


As depressing as that sounds, I have to agree! There’s only one way to fix it!
Can’t go there! Like you said, the Bill of Rights. I once posed a question to my by around 2008, “what happens if they burn the Constitution?” I was told that can’t happen, fast forward and then I witnessed it in real time!


Yes! You did!

I’ve laughed my entire life when people said, “The American Dream means something different to every American!”


It’s the same for every American, made possible by the Bill of Rights. Without that document, you’re a slave. Period.

Oddly enough, the Founders did not want to ratify a Bill of Rights. But Patrick Henry stepped in and said, Yeah? Why not? You scared it will take up too much paper?"

Gawd, I love Patrick Henry!


Believe it or not, I served on the Patrick Henry!
If I was on it right now, I think I would have launched all 16 missiles!
4 deterrent patrols, DASO run, three missile launches and around the world trip!
Be a submariner, see the world they said. I saw it from a periscope!
And would do it again!




Die? We will never die. Freedom will never die. Man, by his very nature, is free. Freedom is inherent in our nature. So we will always fight and be free to whatever extent we can acheive. That is the course of human history and will always be. We will fight and be free or perish is a given.

The machinery of government is not your country and is not freedom. It’s one and only function is to protect property and free men. Nothing else. That’s not what they do. They have failed and descended into madness on your labor, your money, and have stuck you with the bill and the consequences of their actions.

You don’t need to rise up and throw your government off. It will do itself in. You don’t need fix it. It is beyond repair. In fact it should be condemned and probably will be. Especially with these reckless lunatics at the helm. 35 trillion in the hole and no way out. Circling the drain.

Do nothing. Let it crumble. It’s just a machine being run by retards. We can build another one and probably will, unfortunately.

Freedom is messy and dangerous and life is hard. Deal with it.

Get out of all debt. Live only within your means. Stay happy and healthy. Stay free. Above all else.


Not at all. I don’t hate anybody. Not even cops.

The only orgs I belong to are USCCA, Gun Owners of America and Knights Templar International.

I refuse to swing far left or far right. Either way is bad for your health, bad for the playing field and just plain bad, bad, bad all the way around. As you can see.

I like to drive fast and straight up the middle because there’s only one way to get through life: forward.


Ted, nobody promised any of us anything. None of us are owed anything. This country, as it exists now, is what we have to work with. Over different generations Americans have had to fight to prevent her destruction, either violent fighting or civil fighting. The founders had to fight for her. The soldiers in the Civil War had to fight. Our WW1 and 2 vets fought. Vets of different wars have fought. Other people had to fight civil fights. Women and black people had to fight just to get the right to vote.

The United States, to me, is defined by our land, our heritage, our Constitution, and our people. We are the country, not the temporary occupants of offices in Washington. Those people are just people who may or may not be corrupt, criminal, anti-American, etc, but they are not the United States. They are temporary. What has to be fought for now is our rule of law. People who break the law need to be held accountable. We don’t need a new Constitution, we just need officials who will follow it.

Now, we may end up in a war. We may be fighting a traditional foreign enemy. We might be fighting a guerrilla war on our own soil against millions of foreign “migrants” who are really enemy combatants. We may, God forbid, end up in a civil war. In all cases, the end goal has to be to restore the rule of law and ensure our existing Constitution is followed. We still have a country, we just have officials who want to use her for their own gain.


"Here, Here’ Sanity Returnith to the Forum.
Brother, I am proud of you.
Whatever happens, Feast or Famine, War or peace we are still Americans.
No one group of evil entity can take that from us.
These current ‘occupier’s’ mean nothing to our basic tenants of Freedom and Prosperity for all. They will not succeed. They may have a real foothold now and have done serious damage but the overall percentage of Americans are ready for change.
Some of the people I listen to besides here have said we have to wait for the Sheeple to ‘Wake-Up’! Well, Horse Hockey! WE HAVE TO WAKE UP AND DO SOMETHING UNPLEASANT NOW! The longer we wait the harder the row to hoe will be to right our ship. The more Good Citizens get beaten down, Financially destitute, killed by these friendly Invaders the retaliation will be more and more severe.
There IS a Fight coming. Make no mistake. Be that a fight in the Political realm or on the streets that is entirely up to We the People. I’m tired of these folk’s force feeding their Bullsh!t Communist/Socialist crap down our throats! Tired to the bone.



Thank you brother.