Methinks the rat continues to smell… even worse
I used to be a member of Judicial Watch. At the time I joined, they talked a good deal about the “rule of law” and I thought they may actually be able to make some kind of difference. As time went on, I found out for myself, as many on this forum have, that the “rule of law” as it is supposed to work, no longer exists. As a result, I no longer support their efforts.
I may at some future time reconsider, but it will take a successful conviction of someone like a Clinton or Obama for me to do so.
“Were there others involved in the assassination attempt on Trump? If not, then why would the FBI use the excuse of protecting someone’s right to a fair trial to hide records on the FBI’s and Secret Service’s inexcusable failures to protect Trump from being nearly assassinated,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The Biden-Harris administration is running a major league cover-up on the near assassination of former President Trump.”
I’d say that was a very good start on where the FBI Investigation should proceed.
I do believe the assassination attempt was a set up, all that went down was just too easy.
Me too. No earthshaking results that justify continued contributions.
James O’Keefe produces better results IMO.
Uh, because the fbi and the secret service were accomplices in the assassination attempt.
The “shooter” was just a sacrificial lamb.
Maybe USSSA is still too busy trying to figure out how hunter’s blow showed up in a closet.