The Aftermath: Noisy Neighbors

My read was the dead guy followed him into the house and the wounded guy took one on the porch?


But the kind of tactical speed-bumps Iā€™m talking about can stealthily appear at 2am / last call, and be gone again by 4am, as needed. No permits or city involvement required.

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Iā€™ll bring the soda

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Yes, he should have. I think weā€™re missing information. This was California and how wasnā€™t found guilty, is beyond me.


I have some real lowlife neighbors. Three yappie little dogs get let out at 2:30 in the morning etc. I donā€™t think it is a wise decision to confront people like this. If it bothers you enough call the police let them deal with it. If you can front these people and something goes awry it may be said that you instigated the situation.


how long are you guys going to beat this dead horse ?


Breaking news: Francisco Franco is still dead. :crazy_face:

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A 2021-04-09 16-29-19


I own Main Street Patrol, Security and Private Investigations. I am a CCW Permit holder, and I think I would have just called the Police, or in my area, the OCSD for Orange County, CA, and let them know there was a large group of people outside, and they might be trying to steal cars, or break into homes. After all, we donā€™t know what they are doing. Right?
Eli M. Goff

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Confronting seldom ends well. Just let law enforcement handle loudmouths.


You sound like a wise man my friend!


Our local PD encourages citizens to report ā€œsuspiciousā€ persons, vehicles and activities.

I like it. PD takes the responsibility of determining which oneā€™s legit and which isnā€™t.

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Police are no help. I am currently in my second situation even though I moved but within the same complex. We lose sleep and will move again. Only thing is if it comes to my door and they break in then boom. Landlord useless.

As a retired 52 year veteran peace officer with 2 departments, I still call the the actives when there are problems. Call every time. The local beat officer needs to know what is going on in his district. Police presence in your neighborhood, regardless of the reason, helps stop crime.


Welcome @Steven346

As I mentioned to another regular on the board. I love towns with 3 digit populations 4 tops.

The defender should not have approached the loud loiterers outside. The defender could have spoken to the loiterers from a window of his and asked for them to disperse. If they did not leave, the police should have been called. This would have solved the cankerous noise from the people outside, because the police would have forced them to leave.

The defender chose to be aggressive himself by going outside.

At that moment, the defender could have possible been approaching danger unknowingly, and somewhat expectedly based on the time of day and energy that the area contains. With that being said he was right to bring his pepper spray with him outside.

The loiterers became aggressive, giving the resident the right to use the pepper spray. The resident could not have walked outside and started spraying people just because they were loud. He had to have been the victim of aggression first. So he used the pepper spray unsuccessfully, and then fled into his home attempting to get away from the already aggressive and now even more angry loiterers.

The defender shot two people, because one of them chased him into his home. At that point, its an intrusion and the defender now has the right to use deadly force because he now feared for his life.

This was an aggravated action on behalf of the defender. If it werenā€™t for the defender, no one would have been shot or died.

I live in California and its surprising that no one was arrested based on the story read. There is obviously more to the story, it all couldnā€™t fit in the feed thread. Who is the defender and his social status? Questions like this matter in California. What is the history of the perpetrators and the neighborhood?

I recommend that everyone stay vigilant in legal citizenship protection and to not ever be gun-ho.

Your right about that Micheal. I hung the phone up on the 911 operator for trying to collect evidence after the crime was reported, because I cant focus while on the phone, the operator isnt a comfort its a distraction, and they dont care whose calling, you and everyone else are suspects in there minds.

@Eli5 and @George98; I wouldnā€™t make accusations when calling the authorities, because your right, if you dont know then you just dont know wht someone is doing. But one things for sure. If you say they are being suspicious, then they are supposed to be really looking suspicious, which means that you will have to do a little investigating from your home before calling.

You obviously shouldnt tell the authorities that someone might be breaking into houses or cars when you havent seen them do it. That would be a bold face lie you would need to explain.

Remember, correlation does not mean causation. So for example, those home robberies you heard about around the corner, could have nothing to do with the black guys hanging in the neighborhood in groups smoking weed and word rhyming. It could have been two lone criminals from another city a hour away who crept in, robbed people and left

Think about it

@Samuel38 i Agree with you on that. Confrontation between neighbors is required amongst each other, but it has to be a neutral or positive confrontation by responsible adults. The moment it gets out of hand the authorities should be called to help.

Confronting the loud people from a vocal distance would have been best in this scenario.

A neighbor behind me loves cracking firework during irrelevant times of the year, and during day time, I walked to his house with pepper spray in my pocket, and did not have to use it. Reach out to me if you would like to know how that story ends.

@Quais Thanks for sharing your post. This gives us a understanding of how quick a negative event can occur, and how there are many miserably quick tempered people out there in our communities. Not everyone thinks about their violent repercussions, and some dont care. its so unfair see someone loose one of their abilities or their life and the killer gets 5-10 years in prison or walks off free.

Can you share the fact if your perpetrator has been prosecuted? What led to you being ā– ā– ā– ā–  5 times?

Sincerely, Anthony