The Aftermath: Bad Tactics Lead to Bad Legal Outcome

Same to you buddy.

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I guess he just panic and im sure many people would no one knows what they would do in that situation I like to think I wouldnt panic


I agree with leaving space for a quick exit when possible. However, in many if not most cases, when I try to leave a gap in front of me, some jackwagon decides he will jam himself in front to get ahead of me if there’s heavy traffic. Glad it worked out in the end and great lessons learned.


You mean
 Chevrolet? :joy:

Welcome to the Community :handshake:


I read somewhere, if you could see the rear bumper of the vehicle in front of you,
that’s enough space to make an exit—
and not enough space for the jackwagon to cut in front of you.


I couldn’t help but notice one glaring point not taken. If the man was in his car. And the attackers were hitting while he was sitting in his car. Could he have had time to lock his car and roll up the window and then call 911? If the attackers were still trying to get to the man with his windows rolled up and car door locked. Then as he is calling 911, he can position himself to protect himself to use his firearm if the attackers proceed in trying to break the car windows in an attempt to get to the driver.


He had a car, there is no way he couldn’t just back up and get away from the situation, but even after the shooting of two assailants, he didn’t need to run away, he should have made sure the theat is over and scan for other threats, but when he fled the scene he never called 911 to report the accident, he was cought when the detective followed him and arrested him, that cost him 19 months in jail time.


Welcome Brother
Welcome to the fold
You are right where you’re supposed to be!

(my Jack-wagon) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yippee yo Ki Yey Mutha
oh nevamind! :rofl:


Prolly won’t have time to do anything but Fight for your life Brother.
Welcome to the Fold Bruh.
A piece of unasked for advice
You’re Life is threatened
Multiple attackers
THREAT OF BODILY HARM? Screw the window
Well placed rounds where it hurts
Hopefully the first volley is fatal
The courts frown on Execution style finishing rounds.



@Roderick14 welcome to the community.
I don’t know about rolling the windows, the only issue I see is that he fled the scene, which made him the suspect.


That’s a Jackalope,
 an exceptionally large jackalope!

Jot a jack wagon


Jack Wagon?
Jack Boots?
Jack in da Box?
Jack off?
Jack S–t?
Jack N the Beanstalk?
Jack N Jill?
Jack Hammer ?
Jackie Chan?
Jack N Diane?
Potato, Potatoe, French Fry’s.
I know what a Jack Wagon was
I was just Jackin’ around!

It’s all good Blood
You Sleigh :sled: me man!


“Back in the day”, say 30yr ago, I paddled the “Deliverance River” many times, technically Section 3 or 4 of Chattooga River in mtns of N. Georgia. Only time locals bothered us was in the parking lot. I Had to pull my gun 2 times (ie “Draw-down on them”) to convince them I/We were Not there to “Play”. They turned around and left - in a hurry :slight_smile: Except Once - they followed me down the road, pulled-up along beside me - But - when I held/showed my Big 357 Mag Revolver(Colt Trooper-III) against my window - they almost wrecked trying to stop :slight_smile: I also kept a Chrome Revolver in my Dry Bag when paddling. “Now” I teach “Armed Defense”. State and DHS Certified Pistol Instructor. Motivated, in part, by my experience up there. We were actually “Shot-AT” once - AT night in our campground. They pulled up near it on a dirt road. Fired 2 shots and drove off. Yes - it was scary. Guy next to me was hit in the shoulder. It may ? be better now “up there” but My advice - if you are going up there - “Go Armed” :), Even In your Boat.
It is “very” remote and in the Mtns. Nights are “Total Dark”. You Cannot see your own-hand in your face, say on your nose.


One should have tried to remove ones self it at all possible if not and you are forced to use your tool to protect yourself use the second tool that is to call uscca tell them you had to stop at treat. Their not treating anyone anymore what do I need to do now ? Yes I will call 911 now and do what is lawfully required for me to do. All gun owners lawfully or unlawfully need to understand that this tool is not a toy to get your way or to scare or to intimidate it’s to protect using correctly that’s what it’s for it’s called for you should make sure it does what it does that’s end the threat. It’s difficult for ones never being in the moment to understand reactions time thoughts can you will you should you could you sometimes maybe I can maybe you could end up dead. That’s the sad truth of life now. This alone should wake up whomever is not living in the real world. As an individual that’s not legally allowed to be armed I still state all have the right to keep and bear arms. The corporate government does not give me permission to do anything the Creator does I consent to be governed but not by corporate that’s what needs to be fixed corporate government it’s real simple get corporate out of government get the Creator back in charge. The Creator is the one giving all the right to life liberty and happinesses.


Finest words! Learn what’s right! Keep learning and question yourself! The wisest man is that one who best knows the magnitude of what he does not know! I heard the drivers discussing whether the road was getting icy, how to judge from road spray from your trailer, and what their thermometer showed. A guy asked what the temperature was for freezing and someone ridiculed him for not knowing. He calmly replied, “Well, if you was real smart, you wouldn’t be no truck driver, neither!” I called out a touchĂ© for the wisest words in the whole conversation and continued to LMAO! TRUCKER BOB


Welcome to the community. Funny. Just not ha ha funny.


Welcome to the community!


Welcome to the community, glad you joined in!


I appreciate the welcome, especially in the face of my ignorance. I studied to teach English and was student-teaching what was then 3rd and 4th track high school kids. They were so appreciative of me finding how to explain complex literary techniques so they could understand the book we were reading. I rewarded them with the school’s first outdoor class that spring, marshaling them in and out with military discipline, and they showed they loved me as much as I loved them. The teachers, however, after enduring them in the teachers’ lounge, drove me out and into trucking. I kept my mind on my business and didn’t keep up on much else. I don’t know how to do anything tech, don’t know the symbols or jargon, so I learn by guess and “by golly” if I make it work. The comment preceding mine was from someone putting his heart and mind to work as best he could, for the benefit of any who would use it, and I had to admire that same quality I saw in my English class. I think I overlooked what is done to indicate what you’re responding to, so it’s reassuring to get any welcome when I obviously don’t know what I’m doing. I am, however, learning so much from you! The insight and intensity of interest is compelling!


He needed to call 911 while he is securing his weapon. Then he should’ve rendered first aid until rescue arrived. Little confused, the detective was behind him and able to pursue him Even though the traffic was backed up. Where was the detective when the two men were approaching the man’s vehicle to begin with?