Super Slick Slick Stuff & Gun Cleaning/Lube Discussion

It is a decent cleaner on some things.

Cheaper to use it than my good stuff on certain items.

And is great on bike chains. It isnā€™t on there enough to damage the O-rings and they look great. Iā€™ve gotten the most mileage out of chains using only WD-40.


Thatā€™s fine on the street and track.

Mountain biking, especially gravel grinding when the dust particles are tiny and in the trillions, the WD dries out and starts collecting all that dust.

Wax is best for combatting dust and dirt. I keep a good grade of car wax all over my bikes and used to wax my chain until I started using SSSS. The wax is far better for dust than SSSS, but the SSSS does a good enough job and I donā€™t need make the wax chain lube.

Coincidentally, I use a good grade of car wax on my hunting guns, too. Keeps 'em clean and dry and prevents any rust from starting. Water rolls right off and dirt donā€™t stick.

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I have a door that keeps freezing shut. I just got done cleaning off the door and slathering the inside edges of it with WD40. Weā€™ll see what that does.

Can WD40 keep a door from freezing shut?!

Weā€™ll know when you report back. :slight_smile:

What kind of door?

Yep. It actually worked. Ths door was not froze shut this morning.

Outside storm door.

I thought I might be able to tell you how to fix it so it doesnā€™t hit where it sticks depending on what kind of door it is. If you like? I have been In construction almost all my life.

Now, Iā€™ve done some research on WD40 since this thread began and found this stuff has ALOT of uses. In fact itā€™s obscene how many uses there are for this stuff. Donā€™t even have time to read them all.

Iā€™ve used it many times on bikes and guns ā€“ but donā€™t like it. Iā€™ll stick with SSSS for that. But Iā€™ll keep some WD around now for other things.

Thanks for the eye opener WD40 fans!

Iā€™m thinking about removing that old door and just not having one there during winter! What a pain the arse!

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If youā€™re a WD-40 convert (a good decision considering how often it improves our lives), youā€™re going to love PB Plaster (probably not for firearms).

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Ah, now I am a convert. Glorious!

Let us bless this conversion with a blessing from one of my favorite saints, St. Olga of Kiev, the patron saint of widows and converts.


PS., I also sprayed some of it on my old shower and it broke up the hard water stains and rust and I washed it away.

Cool. :100:

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For lube, my brother had been using Wilson Combat Ultima Lube II, so I got some to give it a try.

A bottle is expensive, but you use very little of it, so it lasts a long time. (I snip the tip off such that I have to get a wrist workout just to get a drop) Itā€™s pretty viscous, yet somehow penetrating. Rated for -40F to 425F.

Itā€™s review #6 on this page:


Iā€™ve been using the WC Ultima Lubes for years. Itā€™s great stuff and does last a long time.

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