Suicide or stupidcide, you decide

Well, he was the product of a single-parent household, and as they are requesting GoFundMe donations, I would assume that she does not have money, and likely, as poor single mother, did not own any firearms. I did read the story and there was nothing about who owned the firearm. Upon reading the story, it did seem as though it was suicide and not an “accident”. I did an internet search and could not find any more info.


From what I read, "Rylo Huncho’s real name has not been disclosed. However, he was known for his energetic performances and promising music career. "

I’m guessing stupidcide, but we’ll never know for sure.


Child? Really… I’m not buying that.


I vote stupidcide. Clearly idiocy.


Excerpts from multiple sites:

In another TikTok video, Huncho raps about drinking heavily and carrying a weapon. “B—h, I walk up in this school sippin’ dirty lemonade. You know I feel just like a man cuz I walk off with a Glock,”
Before he pulls the trigger, Huncho can be heard saying, “F*ck y’all, n----.”
The boy appeared to switch off the weapon’s safety and point it at his head, when a gunshot rang out and and he was thrown from view as the camera dropped.
his family was also saying he was depressed but since he is gone, we will never know if it was a major accident or purposely done.”
“Knew exactly what he was doing, he had trigger awareness. His finger avoided the trigger the entire time, then he turned the safety off and poof….”
“When you are playing around with a loaded weapon, it’s not an accident, it’s a choice and this one had a severe consequence.”


How many times have we heard “I didn’t know it was loaded”.


I don’t know what he could have been thinking, but I can say with some certainty that if you’re playing Russian Roulette you odds of surviving are greater with a revolver. If he was high on something maybe his judgement was so impaired that he just really didn’t know the difference. I feel bad for what happened for him and his family. Suicide or Stupidcide, we’ll never know. I just remember my Dad driving one thing into me as a kid, the world does not protect those who are willfully stupid, and the consequences are all too often permanent. There’s no such thing as an accident, only bad judgment.


Yes you can, this kid did fix his stupidity.

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If he actually had a Glock there is no “safety” on the Glock. The safety is in the trigger. So who knows what went down?

Glock was broken? :grimacing:

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We know this (no external safety to switch on/off). I only posted excerpts of the story, I was not interpreting anything. We know “what went down”. He pointed a handgun at his head, pulled the trigger and the resultant discharge put a bullet in his head, killing him. Was it “accidental” or intended? I for one, would never “accidentally” point a firearm at anyone - including myself - and pull the trigger, loaded or not.

Nor would I. I reported corner’s autopsy testimony too many times to do something like that. We had a corner in my early days working in this county who like to be really graphic in his descriptions of wounds and the damage done in the path of the bullet or shot column as the case may be. For folks who say bird shot isn’t effective I say you should read the autopsy report of someone shot at close range with birdshot.