AI tells us why it will kill us if we continue

Listen to the chatbots.

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I donā€™t like the world anymore. Iā€™m glad I am in the later 3rd of my life, honestly, but I fear my world as I recognize it will probably disappear in my natural lifetime, and probably much sooner.

If stupid people donā€™t manage to destroy it and us, then too-smart people, inventing stuff they have no control over, will be the ones. Right now it seems to be a race between very stupid people doing very stupid stuff (ironically our colleges seem to be full of these types) and mad scientists inventing robots and diseases to wipe us all out.



If you havenā€™t already seen this one,ā€¦ give it a watch for a good mind f*** :flushed::dotted_line_face:


I Totally agree with you I am in the same shape Maybe in the 8th stage of life,

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Science fiction comes true.

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Colossus, great movie. Indeed a prediction of whatā€™s already here and things to come.

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