Six Critical Survival Strategies for a Self-defense Incident

High value video blog from the new USCCA Director of Training & Education, Rob Chadwick, released Jan 24, 2024.
In 30 minute he hits hard on what you need to know and how to approach being ready to defend yourself.
He has the experience, creds, and expertise to know what he is talking about.
Highly recommend watching.


Direct link to video?[]


Sorry. I thought I had linked it. My error.

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No worries; thanks - J

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Excellent video and #6 is crucial. I train at home with a SIRT and on the range with a 380EZ. I have yet to buy a firearm, knowing I really need to find a 9mm that’s effective for defense (but, lighter recoil because of hand issues). In my mind, there is no such thing as too much high-quality, focused training. Lots of training out there, but not a lot of super high-quality training. I am glad I found the place I did, here in Florida.


John, I highly recommend the Glock 48. I have similar issues and it is a wonderful gun with balance and less recoil. It has a 4.17 inch barrel. I would recommend, if you don’t want the Glock, to find another but with a 4inch barrel or longer.


John, thanks for your reply. I have heard excellent things about the Glocks and their reliability.


I like the idea of rehearsing something in my head, not because I’m paranoid, but because I want to be prepared. Criminals have a plan to harm others.
Do I have a plan to protect myself?
I like the randomness of the suggested routine.

One of my daily routines is get my coffee from the downstairs breakroom near the front door. The receptionist is either a 40-year old or a retired senior, both female.
Granted the front door is locked, what if they let the thug in unknowingly? That’s the question playing in my head as I hold the coffee mug in my right hand (I’m a lefty).
If they’re attacked, would I intervene? That I hope I never have to find out.



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Thank you for sharing this impressive learning opportunity.
I was able to reinforce my decision to regain what my daughter calls “…your cop look…”.
It was situational awareness she was noting especially when she was younger and men were inappropriately eyeing her.
All I did was catch there attention. That’s all it ever took to have them turn away or cross the street.
Only one time someone started to react but, his second look caught on my reactions to him and he crossed a busy street.
My daughter started her Tae Qon Do lessons and earned her black belt with weapons training throughout.
Former FBI agents Niles Duke (Sherman/Denison, TX) and Buck Revel (Denver, CO) liked the training she received especially the shotgun training by her maternal grandfather who won back to back Grand National Trap Awards for twice shooting over 1300 with no misses.
Her maternal grandfather was a felony public defender for the Mn Attorney General’s Office.

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