Same Place Different Guy - Released on Parole?


Step on my Snek!
I’ll show you my FANGS!


“FLUFFY’S! In da Houze!”


They shoot horses, don’t they?


We’re working on that as we speak.


Remember to surrender all your rifles before you move into IL… :joy:


All Boards and Commission members are appointed by a political office holder, often the Governor. Most states’ Governors’ offices have a Boards and Commission staffer (who reports directly to the Governor) responsible for finding people to staff those boards and commissions. Don’t like the decisions of the Parole Board, give the Utah Boards and Commissions office a call, set up an appointment and go in and complain. Better yet, file an application and apply for an appointment. Often, the Boards and Commission appointments office has a dearth of applicants and has a very hard time filling positions.

The squeeky wheel gets the grease. Here’s the web site for the Utah Boards and Commission office. Apply and/or complain.

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There is a quote from the Havamal (Sayings of the High One):
“There is no man so bad that he isn’t good for something.” Compost comes to mind.


I’m surprised street justice hasn’t taken care of this problem yet.


One reason I had to quit working in court. Even as far back as the 70s when I finally got fed up it was a revolving door. I’m paranoid, I know, but I believe there is a deep conspiracy to have all of the peons wind up with a felony conviction. Once on probation or parole, in exchange for granting the favor of probation or parole, the convicted felon agrees to search of his person, vehicle or dwelling at any time by any law enforcement officer. By the way, “law enforcement officer” is much broader than cops on the street. It includes probation officers, child welfare officers — for all I know, it may include building code enforcement officers. Think about that. Any of a wide variety of “law enforcement officers” can come to your house at oh dark thirty and march through pulling drawers out and dumping the contents on the floor, emptying your closets of the clothing and perhaps ripping the lining out of some really nice clothes and it is all perfectly legal because you agreed to it when you got probation. How much simpler for the ruling class when they aren’t restrained by those pesky first ten amendments. Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t really out to gotcha.


We’re a lot closer to that dystopian forecast than folks may think. After all, millions of Americans willingly submit to a 4th Amendment warrantless search of their person by government agents as a condition of boarding an airplane, entering a public building, or just sending their children to school. It’s not because they are convicted felons, but because they are afraid of terrorists with bombs in their underpants and willingly traded individual Constitutionally protected rights for the illusion of security.

That tradeoff between individuals rights and security is at the heart of gun control efforts – those who want to ban individual possession of firearms argue that society would be safer if gun owners just gave up their guns.


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Years ago I told my sister in law.

“Won’t be long until half the people will be felons. Since the police won’t know which half are felons and which half aren’t they’ll lock us all up.”


I totally agree. The last time we flew my 86 y.o., 5’2" 125# wife had to undergo “advanced screening”. It was done “on a random basis” to enhance the myth of airport security. Meanwhile, nut jobs who apparently pass screening are endangering a plane load of passengers almost on a daily basis. Apparently the “authorities” want us to believe they suddenly become unhinged once they enter the a/c. Maybe it is all the aluminum encasing them that causes instant brain rot. If I can’t get there in my car, I don’t need to go. Unfortunately, I would love to tour Japan by train but haven’t wanted to go badly enough to explore getting there by ship. Now that I have aroused my curiosity, I am going to have to search the internet to see if there is steamship passage to Japan.


like we say around here “Gators have to eat too”


That guy in the picture looks like a menace to society. Better check out his undies, he may have a loaded diaper ready to explode at a minute’s notice. Meanwhile the incredibly obese black lady is about to have a raving fit because the flight attendant told her she will have to wear a belt extension because her seat belt must be fastened and her seat back must be upright in order to close the cabin doors and pull away from the ramp.


Naah, Charlie Daniels “Simple Man”… would’ve probably killed the swamp ecosystem though.


I wonder when we are going to start holding judges, parole boards, and lawyers accountable for allowing the animals back on the streets to victimize over and over. I agree with you, but others are equally responsible in our failed judicial system.


We can see how well thats working by viewing our current administration. National debt, chaos and crime in the streets, failed energy policies, 10 million ILLEGALS in the last 3 years, and rampant inflation. My point: the voting populace invests very little effort into studying the incompetent stooges they vote for. The approval of Congress is dismal,yet they re-elect the incumbent! WTH? Who studies judges records and what details are really provided in election literature. I now personally believe our voting populace is lazy and stupid. I look at states like New York, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Kentucky, and my state of Nevada and just want to scream “What The F%$k Were You Thinking” when people vote?


Voting is the lowest level of civic engagement/participation, and yet the majority of the eligible electorate don’t vote at all, and those who do vote, vote for bums. What’s required for our system to actually work is for people of good character to be willing to make the sacrifice to step asway from their private lives and actually run for office. Grousing about how bad government is won’t change anything.


Hers the/my problem. Run for office?
Sure, I’m educated, successful, family oriented, not a Christian but certainly believe there’s a power greater than us behind all of this. I’ve also had financial problems in the past, been arrested tried and convicted a few times and as sad as it sounds, I’m a Veteran, I’m White, I’m Blue Collar and probably worse than all of that, I stand far to the right of any political party today. So, I’m not going to put my history on the chopping block of political/media destruction to be misrepresented on the public stage only to be defeated by an Uberwealthy Mormon Matriarch.


Your point “the majority of the electorate don’t vote” is a sad, but true statement. My grousing is intended to hopefully provoke thought. It’s my way of standing on a street corner with a sign saying “Wake Up America, Your Liberal Policies are Destroying America”. Voting has consequence.