Retired cop, instructor, NRA member, gun salesman, AR-15 owner weighs in on the AR-15

This is exactly correct.

Or phrased another way, the next level up is now the low hanging fruit.

Every single thing that gets infringed on outs the next mindless screeching about “do something” that much closer to the ‘whatever you actually care about’ as there is less buffer remaining


You spelled moron wrong :slight_smile:

No one is voluntarily turning in anything. This will start the second american civil war. And we veterans outnumber the entire active military and all cops federal, state, and local. Full stop


Guess ya’ never watched Bugs Bunny…


You do know I was referencing what Fanone wrote in his opinion piece, right?

Acting under coercion isn’t voluntary, except in CNN’s world.


Oh, that’s just mur-ur-der, doc!


No, i have no idea.

Good god.

He wouldn’t mind after all, his just gathers dust. His suggestion to classify ARs as Class 3 weapons is one I haven’t heard before. A “backdoor ban” as few gun owners can get or would want to go through the hassle and expense of obtaining a license. I was worried for a minute that this guy might have some credibility until I saw the letters “CNN”. What a relief!

Lest we forget, during the Clinton regime in the 90’s the AK47 was the bad guy. There may still be a photo of Dianne Feinstine online holding an AK47, finger on the trigger, waving it around with congress in session…well, at least the poor downtrodden AK is out of the spotlight…


Ugly guns look scary to idiots, so that’s what they target first. “Golly, that ugly gun has a bayonet lug on it-must be really dangerous” ( when was the last time you heard of a bayonet being used in a crime). If the laws on the books already were enforced, and punishment appropriate to the crime implemented, the “gun crime” problem would basically disappear. It’s a lot easier to blame an inanimate object than a failed system that tolerates violent behavior.


Well, really, most any gun looks scary to people who don’t understand them. Or those who think a gun “can just go off” while it’s sitting there minding it’s own business.

I felt weird the first time I bought a pistol. Even weirder the first time I carried it somewhere. Now it’s just another tool. No weirder than my cell phone.


Then they’ll be coming for things like this soon…


I was pretty much lost on this article at the start when it said, CNN. The idea that he thinks it’s ok for himself and a limited few other people is scary at best.


That is so true Nathan57,there is not a need,it is a right,and come to think of it there was a quote from the FOUNDERS that said the Citizens should have the SAME WEAPONS as does the Military,we were taught that and the CONSTIUTION and the 2A in grade school,we did not have Kindergarden back then,just the 1st grade up


I just found a “new” need for an AR-15… Short, but somewhat amusing video. I believe he likely meant Antifa, but can’t say that today.


What a jerk. We don’t have enough hatred of “the other people” in our country now? The Dems don’t need help dividing the country. They have it in hand. Stop helping them.

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I watched the video. That is an absolute scream. I liked the message too. Good for him. Thank you for that @Dave17

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All of my weapons rifles and pistols are all semi automatic,with the exception of my DP-12 double barrel 12 ga Pump


Oh sure, let us do the dirty work for you.

I resemble that remark.:thinking: