Public schools and lawlessness

What is happening in VA schools? Sweeping sex crime and assault under the rug, now ignoring court orders! How can we parents keep these administrators and officials accountable to their own rules.


The parents of the little boy (victim) should take their case to the Federal authorities and have the parents of girl (bully) put on a RED FLAG LIST and monitor that household. That’s what all these laws are for “RIGHT”? TEST THEM OUT TO SEE IF THEY WORK! DON’T just PASS all these LAWS and NOT use them while they just sit there collecting DUST ALONG WITH THE OTHER LAWS not being USED to start fighting CRIME! Whatever the crime IS, minor or major, start bringing down crime. OH, BY THE WAY, “GOOD LUCK”. :rofl: LAWS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE NOT ENFORCED!

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In order to decimate a society, you must let crime run rampant.
There’s no “normal” solution! What we’re failing to realize is, life and prosperity as we knew it no longer exists. We’re living in the purge! If it continues, welcome to the world of Mad Max.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, obviously good men have done nothing!

Sometimes you need to raze the forest in order for new growth to begin!

We’re the only nation on the planet that doesn’t know the difference between man and woman! That’s quite an astonishing feat! Furthermore the reason for all this is Obama! And of course, Brandon and the ENTIRE administration. Trump chose the best and brightest. Well, we see the most dumbed down in the current cabinet! Every last one, is a box checked and we did nothing!

Any parent that complains is a terrorist, we can’t fight that.
The enemy has won! And are making preparations to keep winning!


Lamenting the situation is justified, but what practical steps can take place in this situation. It appears neither school administrators, not LE is eager to do their job. This means, the school is no safer for the victim, a child, than a back alley in a hood.
I would remove my child from school immediately.


Schools – especially public schools – don’t exist to raise children, that’s the responsibility of the parents who brought their children into the world. Not everyone is a responsible parents, and unfortunately, their kids show up in schools and all sorts of places where other children congregate.

There’s lots of reasons to grouse about public schools not the least of which is that A LOT of taxes paid go to these public agencies. If one believes that the public school does not work, then they better find a better alternative for their children.


So where are the school administrators, teachers, the bus driver, you know, the responsible adults with authority. You didnt mention them, but I assure you they exist and they get paid out of my taxes.

Step 2, after taking the child out of immediate danger, I want a refund of the part of property taxes that finances the lawless pandemonium, so folks can better afford the alternative to public school. I call it failed ed reparations.


There are some schools that are indoctrinating the students and their policy is not to inform the parents.

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Take your kids out of the schools that engage in that sort of indoctrination and go elsewhere. It’s gonna cost some money and it sucks that tax dollars are being used to fund such public schools, but that’s the world we live in, isn’t it.


 but wait. :smiling_imp:

ACLU hails first ‘After-School Satan Club’ meeting at Virginia elementary school ‘a victory for free speech and religious liberty’ (


Brought to you by Pfizer


Maybe we should start stockpiling wooden stakes and hammers. :thinking:


What is everyone’s problem with afterschool Satan club?

The group said students in the club will do arts and crafts, puzzles, an science projects.

“We aren’t sacrificing goats or praising the Dark Lord,” Everett told the Pilot.

This is harmless just like Drag Queen reading hour for kids is. ACLU hails constitutionality of Satan for kids, while SPLC condems those dangerous traditional Catholics. I get it.

The school admin is mum on this, like they are mum on violent crime on school grounds. Unlike ACLU and SPLC, parents pay school admins’ salaries, parents should have a say in it.