A bunch of you have talked about using paracord for different projects - I’d love it if you shared some pictures!
Basically all I have is the bracelet’s I have made that my wife is going to sell at her crafts fair, so I’ll get some pictures of those.
Just some I have made different colors and styles to see what sells at her craft fair.
Here’s the hatchet wrap, the wrist wrap is what’s hanging down
Before my Juggernaut Tactical Hellfighter maglocks for fixed magazine CA compliance rifles, which are much better than what I had before.
What I had were the ARmaglocks. The upper would flop down so I used a simple cobra weave to retain the upper flop flopping. It allowed enough clearance to release the mag, but was out of the way to operate the safety selector, and charging handle.
Gah! fixed magazines… CA and it’s oppressive rules. When I built my first AR we had to put a Bullet Button on it.
@KenM That looks like an elegant solution.
I was running my MAK90 full 30rd magazines, no bullet button or maglock. It had a thumb hole stock, bayonet lug milled off, and no threaded barrel. The muzzle flash was pretty cool. Fixed mag is worth it for me.
Para cord is a great way to tie off a door if you are ever in a building with an active shooter. I just retired from teaching and my district was big on training staff how to react in these situations. You can you tube different methods to get a better idea of what I’m talking about. Next to my gun and extra ammo I always have 10 feet of cord on me.
In a bracelet I made for myself has over 30 feet of Paracord in it as it’s a double Jacobs Ladder rack. I took the single design and figured out how to add double if not more to the original.
@Michael7 is this the technique you use?
I’ve made the bracelets in the past, but my son is the one that loves making things out of paracord. His girlfriend hooked him up with some paracord for their 1st anniversary. He’s getting ready to make a paracord turtle for her.
That’s quite the craft stash there! Hope you’ll share the results!
That looks pretty handy @Jarred!
Welcome to the group!
Thanks zee, took about 250 feet of cord 7 hours an cost about 15$ to build.