Our Out-of-Control Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

This made my blood boil … The ATF needs to be shut down.

So how do we regain control over the ATF and other federal law enforcement agencies? It is not going to happen through congressional hearings that provide a forum for political showboating and partisan posturing and that go nowhere. We the American people must demand that Congress, on our behalf, either reassert its authority over these agencies in a way to make it stick or else abolish the agencies and start anew.”


I’m really starting to believe that all Federal Law Enforcement Agencies needs to be removed from the Administrative side of our 3 part, but co-equal parts of the Government and placed under the Judiciary. This Administration and Mayorkas have shown us why. When a political appointee can disregard clear violations of the law by refusing to prosecute or to prosecute due to politics, there is a problem. This has never been more apparent than it is RIGHT now.


Comply or Die. If they show up go fetal, hands up wait to be body slammed and have a knee or two in your back. No respect, you are a criminal. Resist and you get mag dumped. Like the guy in Provo, flashbangs, tactical vehicles, dead.


Vote the corrupt Regiem out that is corrupting our alphabet agencies.

I strongly suspect Soros’ influence behind all of this.


As individuals, we can stop them at our door. If they show up, simply do not answer the door. Wait for them to go away. They will. If someone answers the door by accident, tell them they are not welcome here without a warrant and to leave immediately. Close the door.

If they have a warrant, tell them to hand you your copy through the door and read it. Then let them in to search only the places and things to be searched, nowhere and nothing else.

Don’t talk to them if you do have a personal encounter. Invoke the 5th and 6th and be silent and leave them to figure it out.

Meantime these are rogue agencies that should not exist in the first place.

They gotta go.

Good luck with that.

America has lost her mind and it looks like her recovery just ain’t happenin’.


One of the saddest parts of this for me is that I highly respect law enforcement officers. I literally give thanks to God for them each morning and pray for their safety and their family’s peace. When these officers are given tasks like this to do, this has to affect them as well. It’s just so broken.


This is why they all need to go. They don’t prosecute because they’re essentially all corrupt and know they would be next. We need PROPER representation in government again. We need to be able to PROPERLY hold our representatives accountable for what they do and do not do. They should be spending the majority of their time in the districts they represent working with the people they represent, not in D.C. insulated and protected from our views and demands. They should have to, on a daily basis, be afraid of being booted from their position in any upcoming election.


If the people that voted a person into office and then that person shirks their duty, the people should have a way to get rid of that person. Not every state has a recall process. I also believe states should internally used an electoral college stopping large populated areas from controlling a state.




That’s a great source from Hillsdale College, not the typical clickbait stuff.
I listen to Dr. Arn and Hugh Hewitt on a weekly basis.

I don’t fear strong men.
I fear unelected weak persons put in positions of power in agencies like ATF.
They’re glorified Paul Blarts.


State and local police are law enforcement officers. At the Fed level - not so much.


FEMA, another rogue fed agency that has no business existing at all, says we are threatening them while they’re trying to save us from the hurricane wreckage.

Only one problem… It’s all BS.


just saw a video about how powerful fema would be if martial law is declared

interesting report not sure how accurate it is…

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Moot point. If martial law is declared the Federal Government will have absolute power over everything.


didn’t the “O” create a law or directive that said they could go house to house taking food n such?


The F in FEMA

Hello, unelected tyrants :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Doesn’t look like you brought enough friends to this party, Comrade…


I’ve been getting Imprimis for some time and it’s a free publication. Their narrative is dead on with this. I live in Southern Colorado and have for over 50 years. I’m a certified, now registered “legally” with our sheriff’s department, firearms instructor, took a year and beginning to advanced training from the NRA before little Lord Wayne LaPierre just about destroyed it. Have been teaching and training for almost 17 years, over 500 students and counting. Many of whom had taken training before and commented “we didn’t get any of the kind of training you did!” Our massive problem in Colorado is the democrat “governor” who’s done everything he can to destroy Denver and surrounding areas by “welcoming” any and all vagrants, illegals and thugs to just take over parts of Aurora and beyond. This “governor” also has his hyenas drafting anti-gun law after anti-gun law as with all democrat destroyed states, the once strong criminal justice system is incrementally weakened. IE: Criminals good, law abiding citizens who’ve gone through firearms courses and succeeded, bad. Thank God for Trump being elected! Maybe we who’re long time gun owners, instructors, or just plain love shooting might have a reprieve for a bit. But if, God forbid another bleeding from the eyes democrat who’s intent is to reduce our nation to another Cuba, sneaks into the White House it’s all bets off. Either we can fight to the finish or give up and whimper. I’m damned fed up with the “liberal” hypocrites and their “dreams” of their “new world order” spoken of so “lovingly” by Bush Sr. during his presidential acceptance speech…yeah, sorry, but he was a rino and the Bush family is a “dynasty”. Our nation is not the nation I grew up in. I’m pushing 80…(Dallas speed limit) and have seen our nation degraded so much in just the last 30 years it’s beyond sickening.
3 decades ago I watched American citizens murdered by; law enforcement, military, ATF (bastards!) FBI and various other “agencies” who joined in the slaughter. All “accomplished” under a democrat president, William Jefferson Clinton. To my knowledge the only mass murderer who occupied the White House in my lifetime. Was he indicted for slaughtering almost 86 American citizens? NO. He was pretend “impeached” with messing with an intern. We have a reprieve for now with President Trump. But here’s something to ponder. If one democrat “president” got away with mass murder once, and he damned well did…who’s to say it can’t happen again? It’s why wannabe dictators must absolutely destory our 2nd. Amendment. Our "government’ has become a morass of self serving bureaucrats.
Sorry to be a downer. Waco, Texas changed this “wide eye Pollyanna” forever.
A question for all you who support and cherish our 2nd. Amendment…are you willing to put it on the line no matter what? One more “history” lesson. When Clinton slaughtered American citizens, militias sprang up like new grass in the spring. We had a massive group in southwest Colorado. Michigan, Montana, eastern states as well and how many others we didn’t know about. Our 4 Corners group was estimated at close to 1000 strong. And guess what? A blurb that came through from the democrat party: “Maybe we’ll table disarming citizens for now.” Folks then took their 2nd. Amendment so seriously they were ready to go to war and die.
My question is; how many now are ready to put the guarantee, that our Fore Fathers pledged their “lives, honors and fortunes for” front and center? If you’re not on a list why not? Oh, and please this is fact, not bravado…I’m to damned old for that. My sheriff, Duke, a good friend informed me over 20 plus years ago that I was on the CBI’s list (Colorado Bureau of Intimidation…oops, investigation’) as an enemy of the state for daring to challenge politicians … phone, e-mail, letters etc. Even Dianne Feinstein…the democrat who was pictured waving an AK47 around in congress…with her finger on the trigger! I sent 3 of the same letter to her polling places. Actually got a personal reply…“tough”.
Please please, don’t become complacent because we’ll soon have a good guy in the White House…the left has tried to take him out twice! This is a fight to the finish ladies and gentlemen. We WILL lose this nation unless we’re willing to fight for it. I have shed a tanker load of tears and pray that my shots will always be true until there are none left.

God bless, stay vigilant and safe, lock and load. :roll_eyes: :wink: :cowboy_hat_face: :us: :us: :us: :us: