I second that emotion!
I don’t believe it needs to be abolished but a major overhaul is way over due.
I just want ATF to stand for … Absent The fookery …
Another thought, repurpose the ATF.
They are already trained Federal Law Enforcement Agents (albeit with a specialty focus, just change their focus from ATF&Explosives to CBP/ICE Border Patrol Protection & Immigration Enforcement / Removal Operations where there is a surge need by the millions.
Just give the ATF guys the option of making the switch keeping their pay and benefits, or going from (ATF) to (AMF) Adios My Friend .
No, no, no…then those ATFers will wind up elsewhere.
Think Social Security Administration, FBI, maybe even DMV!
They’ll screw up EVERYTHING!
Given the existing level of incompetence at the DMV, they couldn’t make that any worse!
And TBH. I’d rather my plates take forever, than anyone screws with my guns!
Point well taken.
A Republican who wants to eliminate a federal agency. …
Has never happened when Republican DC critters promised to eliminate the EPA, the Dept of Education, the IRS, etc, etc. and rein in the federal bureaucracy. Why should anyone take this guy’s promise seriously?
He knows it won’t happen. We know it won’t happen. Can’t defeat the filibuster with the small majority in the Senate, and even with the rhinos side with the dumbocrats. The UNIPARTY lives on…
I hate these “brave” politicians making noises people want to hear out of their lying heads knowing well the forgone conclusion.
Just ICE Removal Operations, no other choice.
That or out.
We need to bolster ICE to do so many deportations, that’s the only option that I would give them.
Yep. Them and several thousand gun carrying IRS agents. Adios!
The ATF’s mission should have ended with prohibition. And why are firearms grouped with the vices of alcohol and tobacco? Apparently the ATF thinks gun owners are a health threat. The agency is too far gone to be reformed. It must be eliminated. It does worse than no good. We have 50 states. They are fully capable of regulating their own firearms. Congress has long outsourced their decision making to unelected bureaucrats. Abolishing the agency would be a great wake-up call that we expect Congress to do their job so we know exactly who to re-elect and who not to. And restricting my ability to bear arms (yes, that means concealed carry) and purchase them by mail and across state lines are clear Second Amendment violations – not that anyone in Congress or the courts care. Only when bureaucrats and politicians lose their jobs will they fear the people, and not until then.
Greetings & welcome, Joseph607, thank you for joining us and we hope that you enjoy the community!!
Take care & be well
Tax stamp evasion on those items, like an extension of Treasury/IRS, called Revenuers, tax collectors, or enforcement of tax dodgers.
They were trafficking rackets of organized crime mobs.
They included explosives later as the mob eliminated some of its competition by blowing them up, if they thought their territory was violated.
I’m on the fence with ATF. As a retired Law Enforcement Officer, I have involved ATF during drug raids where I knew the suspects would have large amounts of firearms. Involving ATF would make more charges with stiffer penalties with Federal Prison with 100% of incarceration time to be served. But, I do feel ATF is used a lot against legal responsible gun owners.
On the other hand we have Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Only when they are held accountable for their votes will they know their lifelong careers end with our votes.
Federal agencies have way too much power. No way to abolish them, too many people out of work, too politically hot!
Rather, take away ALL enforcement ability from ALL federal agencies. Why should HUD have guns? These agencies should have investigative power only. Build a case, take it to the prosecutor, then go through the court system. If enforcement is caller for, the federal marshals handle it.
No federal agency gets enforcement authority. None of them get guns.