We have a ball game now. I wanted RFK Jr. more than I wanted Trump. But this is going to be very interesting. I pray for them both. Because if ever the Democratic/Communist Party wanted to assassinate an opponent these two would be at the very top of their hit list. Pun intended. The Thomas Crooks’ of the world will be coming out of the walls for these two brave, God-fearing men. I cannot speak for you all but I’m gonna fight with them. Whatever it takes. Let’s do this. God bless America.
Can only be a good thing for the Trump campaign. I can’t imagine many of his followers throwing in with Harris after how the current administration and the DNC have treated him.
I like RFK Jr. I’m glad he’s bowing out in this race.
I just don’t want another Kennedy #10 Soup canned on live TV.
These Cabalist are playing for keeps now that they are being
backed into the final corner.
A badger fights when Cornered.
They’ve already tried Trump/Vance numerous times. Almost succeeded in PA.
If we let this SH** SHOW continue Innocents are going to be caught in the crossfire.
If /WHEN they come for our Guns, I’m ready.
I’ll give them my best till I go down. I’m OK w/ that.
IF they get Trump we are doomed.
We all need to reach deep for our best when the shooting starts.
I’m glad Kennedy shouldn’t be in the Cabals scope.
I wonder if anybody can find out how much time ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, spent on airing RFK and Trumps words…not the mainstream medias editorialization of what was said.
Good luck with that.
They aren’t in the business of unvarnished truth.
Federal Commission to investigate (not sweep under the rug) what happened in Dallas, and what happened in Butler. Potential Pandemic Crimes Against Humanity Commission. This sounds like fun!
Dems cannot lose now.