Olympic opening close your eyes


Special Olympics just got redefined.


I quit watching the Olympics YEARS ago. Seems the main reason for anyone to get there is to set the stage for getting Big Buck endorsements. Whether they get them or not is irrelevant. It’s just my perception. This year, I just have an additional reason to ignore them.


I am sorry, Bruce Jenner ruined it for me!


The last day of the Olympics should be the Hunger Games.


A Black Swan Event Marathon perhaps?

If you raise the Olympic flag upside down is that a sign of
A) Surrender
B) Distress
D) This should be the last Olympics for a while


E) a drag queen broke a high heel and made an oil slick from face planting on the pavement from the 2lbs of makeup he was wearing.


Years ago the Olympics were limited to amateur athletes. You could get disqualified if a logo on a set of skis etc. was seen as it could be interpreted as an illegal advertisement or you were now a paid athlete. Now that professionals are allowed it’s ruined the spirit of the games. Maybe I’m old school, but for me that’s the way I see it. It’s now just a commercial event with strong political overtones. One more thing, Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israel and they’re welcome to attend, but Russia is banned because of Ukraine. They both should be on the outside looking in. JMO


I agree with you but at the same time communist countries were keeping their Olympic athletes housed and fed for years. In essence making them pro athletes.


I now know why people in the later years ‘Pined’ for the day’s when
sh** made sense. It must happen to every generation and I’m no different.

I’m not really pining per se just would be nice if a couple of things made sense.
Olympics’ fall in that category. Amateur’s mixed with Pro’s just isn’t fair.
LeBron James is what (50?) Give me a break. And did they all just kneel at the Anthem again?
Men is Women’s sports is just Twisted (and not in a good way)
Yes the Chinese/Russians (as William just said basically made their teams Pro’s)
But We housed our kids too. It was still fair and we kicked some serious ass.
Our Hockey team prevailed over the Soviets. That was a stellar moment!
And how many years did we watch that poor skier wipe out on that jump on ABC Sports!
Today I am concerned about our safety to give a sh** about these games
Now bring back the ‘Hunger Games’ where you could die and I’ll tune back in.


As the old saying goes Don: the more things change the more they stay the same. All this crap was going on back then, it was only hidden. As I’ve seen comments about this on another website; the Lord will take care of it in his time.

France will fall to the moslems and we will have to come save them AGAIN. kicking off WW3.


I know Brother, I know. But this constant state of alert for threats
wears me down sometimes. When the Olympics were shattered by
the Terrorists in the (70’s) slaughtering those Israelis that was shocking
and live on TV, but it was a singular tragic event. Today with the 24/7 news/Internet
it can be overwhelming. My (2) Warrior Uncles (82nd/101st Airborne) WW2
watch the boob tube all day when their kids were in Nam. Why? hoping to get
a glimpse of their Son’s? I’m glad my Momma didn’t see me all busted up live on TV.
(It would have wrecked her, and my Dad).
You read about the Arsonists strike the Opening day in France? Train disruptions.
You almost EXPECT trouble when an event comes around.

I don’t think WW3 is going to happen. What will happen is going to be bad enough.
These people trying to hold onto power will not go quietly.
(save that seat by the river for me Brother, I’ll be by directly as soon as that first shot is fired!)


The Dream Teams. After the professional athletes replaced the athletes I stopped watching.


The bout between the Kid’s on our Hockey team and the Russians
was THE talk of the Country. Bars were packed! (No cable tv)
Live on regular TV. The World stopped for a second and watched two teams
play their hearts out. Now THAT was the real Olympics.
Dream Teams my A**.


Never forget the Russian ref that called the foul in the finals of the basketball game? It allowed the Russian team to win for the first time ever over a US team and our first non gold metal in that sport.


I remember. (hard to forget)
But ships happen. Moments in the Olympics I’ll remember forever.
Bad ‘Judging’ in Ice Skating has a particularly bad memory in my mind
The kids did a flawless performance and a crooked Judge would 7.5 instead of 10.0’s
Now I don’t want to watch because it may be because of HATE. Not worth
expending my energy.


I used to laugh when I would see a flawless dive and a mere ripple of water afterwards. It would be straight 10s down the line and the Russian judge would give it a 9.5. Too funny at the time.


Great games ! Still love to watch the footage ! USA ! USA ! USA!


I always believed that the Olympics were for amateur athletes who competed in regional contests, then the Nationals to determine who would earn a place on the Olympic team for their particular sports. Professionals need not apply. With the Dream Team, as you note, the focus altered from competition to WINNING, much like a forerunner of the politics of today. At this point, I don’t watch because I don’t care.


why would you post this? don’t give it any oxygen.