oh look they're trying it again, just like the covid flu

Well you are right that 1918 was an election year in the US though not for President. Not sure they even had elections back in 1364?

How to respond to something like the Black Death that wiped out 50% of Europe’s population is beyond my pay grade. But when something like that finally comes along again my family will be voluntarily staying inside for quite awhile.

But if you want to exercise your civil liberties by marching in a crowd of people covered in puss seeping boils then I guess that is your right.

The Government response to COVID-19 was a bungling and corrupt failure. People here seem to forget that this fiasco was lead by the Trump administration for the first year. Among the many errors in response to Covid that first year we should not forget Trump’s pride and joy - a series of experimental vaccines. Last I heard he is still taking full credit as the facilitator who cleared the way to rush through these experimental, untested vaccines. The true negative side effects of which we won’t truly know until a couple more decades have passed.

I’t was also the Trump administration that after telling us that we shouldn’t buy proven N95 masks to stop the spread of the disease, a month or so latter, started telling everyone they should wear almost completely ineffective cloth masks when venturing out in public.

So yes I am very skeptical of government mandates to prevent the impacts of future pandemics. But I am equally skeptical of their ability to actually do the right thing when the eventual very serious pandemic with a very high death rate comes along. Unfortunately now thanks to the incompetent and dangerous responses to Covid by the Trump and Biden administrations , a significant percentage of the population will not follow government recommendations the next time around even if those recommendations would end up saving hundreds of millions of lives.

Since we are still almost certainly sponsoring incredibly dangerous gain of function research on deadly diseases at various research labs around the globe it is only a matter of time before a truly devastating disease is released upon on us. Doesn’t matter whether it comes as part of an intentional attack, a political ploy to sway elections or an act of nature. We are still going to have to figure out how to survive through it.

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Let’s hope President Trump has the hindsight to more carefully consider who his “trusted advisors and experts” are next time. He’s not a doctor, and he was a neophyte politician. Under the circumstances, I wonder who might have done a better job.


You are right about this for sure.


It was led by the Trump administration, but it wasn’t caused by the Trump administration.


You’re right that the pandemic initially broke out during Trumps administration. He cut off flights from China almost immediately and was promptly labeled a xenophobe and racist. Then, he acted on the advice of Fauci and “experts” from CDC and NIH, who called it the “novel” (meaning NEW) coronavirus and began the long process of spouting forth with constant strains of “disinformation” via Fauci, an example of which is, in order: " 1) No mask is necessary, they’re not effective; 2) Wear a mask; 3) if 1 mask is good, 2 masks are better, etc, every one of which, when they went through regression of the previous “advice of experts”, undermined the credibility of these supposed "experts. not one of which had the guts to just come right out and say “WE JUST DON’T KNOW…”. Then, there was the concerted effort taken Fauci, the CDC, NIH and others to discredit anyone who questioned the “official” narrative. Ivermectin was “horse de-wormer” and ineffective for the treatment of Coronavirus-19-until (surprise, surprise) it WAS effective. At this point, I, personally, don’t believe anything “experts” dish out unquestioned. If the government, CDC, NIH, and others promotes the claim that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, I’ll be checking for myself to verify or discredit that claim, thank you.


True, but it will dovetail nicely with VP Kamala Harris’ desire to, as she said in a speech, " to decrease population to fight climate change." Intentional desire or Freudian slip? The world wants to know.


Hadn’t heard that one, but wouldn’t surprise me a bit.


But he often says he is the smartest man in the room regardless of who else is there and always says he only hires the best and the brightest to work for him. Though when anything goes wrong he always denies personal responsibility and blames the best and the brightest he hired for the errors while calling them derogatory names like a junior high bully on the play ground.

He still seems to be proudly taking full credit for bypassing all the red tape and required safety testing on the vaccines. I would fully expect him to push for more experimental medicine in another health crises. He also has yet to say that his unconstitutional ban of pistol braces or threats to use executive action to ban “assault” rifles and “high” capacity magazines while President were a mistake.

He doesn’t strike me as someone who is willing to admit to his mistakes let alone learn from them. Self reflection is not his strong suit.

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This is exactly my point. All of this gobbledygooky hogwash became apparent within the first few months. At least to most people with half a brain who didn’t succumb to the barrage of propaganda and censorship. But Trump let it all continue full steam under his watch.

Because it appears that China had been hiding the spread of the virus for at least a month or two it is likely that Trump’s China travel ban would have been too little too late. But if he is the strong leader he claims to be why would he yield to the name calling and not follow through with the ban if he truly believed it was the right move?

If we aren’t going to elect people with the knowledge and experience to run this incredibly complex nation then we need to at least elect someone who knows where the holes in their skills and knowledge are and can hire experienced, non corrupt people to fill them. And then have the guts to take proper action on the information they get even when it will cost them some popularity.

but, choosing between the 2, who would you rather have? a guy that is a socialist, brain dead, dictator. or a business man who at least loves his country and has learned from his 1st term mistakes (hopefully). I don’t know about you but, my dollar went further with trump, than it is with Brandon. this election is about our country and our freedoms. whether you like him or not, I am betting you love your freedoms and having the cash to enjoy it. yes he made mistakes 1st one was listening to the swamp-rats and doing what they suggested. I’m betting it won’t happen twice.
the choice is yours


I choose neither because I don’t believe Trump loves this country more than he loves money and accolades and I see absolutely zero evidence that he has learned from his mistakes.

Based on everything they have done I feel very strongly that both Trump and Biden are closed minded, self interested dividers. We have an incredibly small and shrinking window to save this nation from collapse. We desperately need open minded, selfless uniters to keep this train from running over the cliff. And in the likely event that it is already far too late to prevent that we will need people like that to pick up the pieces and try and put them together again.

Voting for the lesser of two “evils” still ends up getting very negative results. The past several decades of downward spiraling of our economy and global reputation should be strong enough proof of that. The Republicans and Democrats either don’t have or aren’t willing to implement the solutions to these massive problems. Every president for the past several decades has just put us deeper and deeper into a pit. Including Trump who helped add almost $8 TRILLION more to our deficit in only 4 years! The parties either need to work together to fix the mess they made or get the F out of the way!

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My grandma was old enough to have both the 1918 flu and covid. She survived both pandemics.


There is no viable white knight candidate awaiting our votes. There are only two that are most likely to be re-elected; the current derelict or Trump. I have not had in my lifetime a choice between a good candidate and a better candidate. It has always been the lesser of two evils. If ever it becomes a choice between good and better, I might need to re-think my belief in God. :sunglasses:


I fortunately missed out on the 1918 Flu. I did finally get around to catching Covid earlier this year and somehow survived even though I refused to play vaccine lab rat.

Though I should also add that I am not anti vaccine in general. I have most of my other vaccines. I can understand why those with higher risk from the effects of Covid-19 would choose the risk of the vaccine over the risk of the virus. Unfortunately they had to do it without any information on the actual risks from the vaccine due to government and medical community censorship.


He loves this country because it has afforded him the opportunity to become wildly successful by anyone’s guage of success. For someone who loves money so much, he has forfeited hundreds of millions (Don’t know if you or anyone else here can even fathom how much that is) of his own money to fight this tyranny.
Would you be willing to go to jail knowing you have been railroaded? He’s willing, and he is well aware that his life is in danger for his belief that this Country is worth saving. Do you think he values his LIFE more than money? I’m guessing he does.


It isn’t worth it Ron
Just not worth it


Just happy to be afforded a place to state my opinion. (While we still CAN)
I have strong feelings for the Country, strong emotions, and it helps me to express them in an open forum.


Amen, Ron. Me too.


Amen @Ron43xMOS me too!
kinda sucks when you love your country so much, and you really can’t do anything but voice your opinion. but, its what we have right now.


Agreed. But, given the current crop of politicians that obviously are more concerned with enriching themselves and devote nearly every waking hour to raising funds for re-election than concern themselves with the needs and desires of their constituents, where would one find such a person as you describe? Regarding the presidency, candidates are spending millions, if not billions of dollars for a $400,000 a year job (not including all the graft you can rake in) and getting a temp job that will last a maximum of 8 years, while occupying (admittedly nice) public housing. I fear we’re stuck with choosing from admittedly flawed individuals on offer to us until such individuals as you describe come forward and make themselves known. Given the legal costs being incurred by Trump with these politicized prosecutions, I’m willing to give him another shot- especially as there were no new wars, my money actually bought 20% more than it does now, fuel was cheaper and abundant, and he wasn’t handing out large amounts of money to people that hate us. let alone leaving $85 billion in state of the art equipment behind to a regime in a “war” that was abandoned after 20 years in what can only be described as an “ignominious defeat”. that wasted trillions over that period of time, which could also apply to BIden’s “Build Back Better” program implies that what we have must be destroyed in order to be replaced with God knows what. On the other side of the coin, I’d bet most of those funds are dispensed to individuals acceptable to the party in power. Personally, in a contest between Biden and Trump, I’ll go with Trump until somebody better comes along. I just know it won’t be Biden that occupies that slot.