NYC Gun Detectors


450 weapons seized…only 19 were guns (from the video, some timeframe, a week, IDK)

Yeah…this will solve their problem


Optics. It’s all about optics.

Never about effectiveness or results.


Common sense, where did it go? Bring back responsibility . Bring back parents off work to be held responsible for their children’s actions in school. Make them show in court. Revamp the whole process.
Here’s something truly controversial: forced neutering or spaying of people who like unprotected sex, unwanted babies just kept for easy govt money.
I know a set of parents who match the cold description above: like unprotected sex, push their unwanted babies on their more responsible extended families yet they keep all monetary social benefits from the kids…






Your proposal is that taxpayers pay the parents to stay home?


At least they can FEEL safe in NYC! So mathematically 0.0422 % guns are off the street. I’m sleeping better, how about you?
This is the test phase for all out Nazism.
They are about to jail and or kill Trump and the terrorist are well armed and prepared to strike, from every University in the country!
Sleep well NY has it all under control, with unarmed military, presenting as DON’T :exclamation:
I just can’t believe nobody is stopping this in its tracks!
Voting is not going to work!


Not at all! My proposal is that parents have to take time off of work to meet with school/legal authorities with their children which puts pressure on all to teach their children proper behavior expected by societal norms.
If societal norms are subpar, parents may teach their children more proper behavior.
If parents are subpar, which many now a days are hard put to support their children, it is up to them to decide on either public assistance or the legal system.
That means we have to make sure public assistance teaches what to truly expect out of life and not to meet some moronic pc values.
A total revamp of todays system.
Easy? NO. But, if we want change, it has to start all over minus woke practices.


Soldiers in full kit on the subway searching people to keep them safe. Hmmm… Betcha the drafters of the Bill of Rights (which no longer applies in our world) would be horrified.

Just for historical reference, here’s the individual right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights that died in New York …

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Another reason not to live in New York.


I spent enough time in NYC to fully appreciate its exceptional qualities of that city, AND sadly also appreciate the totalitarian SHlTHOLE it has become.

Thank God I have zero reasons to go back and if I do I will UBER myself everywhere I go. You couldn’t pay me to go in the subway system nowadays, or ever again.


This is so wrong on so many levels I don’t know where to start----so I won’t.
NEW YORK will be the first (of many Blue cities) TO FALL…


Born and raised within 50 miles of NYC. Left at age 17 (1965) and have only visited for weddings & funerals.

No plans to return to anywhere in the State.


:rofl: say it in public, you will be labelled with privilege and worse

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Until the same stupid people are removed from office, this idiocy will continue. Applies to city, state and federal offices. We need to get at the roots of the problem, one of which which is entities spending fortunes to put people in power to further their own agendas. NGO’s, lobbyists, elitists.

In other words, it’s only going to get worse.


Forbes Magazine. NYC is #12 on the list of safest large US cities. So, pretty safe. #facts_matter.

Ranked: 15 Safest Large Cities in the U.S. (with a population over 300,000)

The figure next to each city reflects the per-capita crime rate.

  1. Irvine, California ($364)
  2. Henderson, Nevada ($673)
  3. Virginia Beach, Virginia ($773)
  4. Honolulu, Hawaii ($832)
  5. El Paso, Texas ($983
  6. San Diego, California ($1,206)
  7. Mesa, Arizona ($1,404)
  8. San Jose, California ($1,472
  9. Riverside, California ($1,580)
  10. Arlington, Texas ($1,593)
  11. Anaheim, California ($1,707)
  12. New York City ($1,722)
  13. Boston, Massachusetts ($1,787)
  14. Omaha, Nebraska ($1,829)
  15. Lexington, Kentucky ($1,853)
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Please explain how a “rate” is expressed in $$$$ ?


Pssssssssssssssssssssst George? Can you hear me? C’mere…closer…Good.

RICH people don’t take the Subway
RICH people don’t leave Manhattan and venture into Brooklyn…shuddering!
If they are ‘slumming’ it they take a Yellow or Uber
They ‘Dine-out’ they don’t eat @ Joe’s Pizza
of course they feel safe


By integrating these figures with academic research on crime’s societal costs, MoneyGeek established a per capita cost of crime for each city,

Because some entity Forbes reported on decided to make up a way to take a bunch of stats and make up a dollar cost $ per person they think crime in the city costs


If you don’t prosocute criminals, this is nothing but window dressing. But who wants to live in a place under what looks like a military dictatorship? Demoncrats want a third-world order…