New York Man

Enough of Florida man!

“It was at that moment that I really said - I have to change my life - I have to change my life - I just can’t do this,” Johnson said on the podcast. “I had a wife, I had kids, I had family still, my son was growing up - he was hearing stories of my so-called notoriety - I just didn’t want to be that dad.”


When (if) he ever gets out maybe he can---------wait for it!----RUN FOR OFFICE!
He NEVER read my book: NEVER keep the Body Parts! on Amazon $16.66!


When resumè says, “advocate” or “activist,”


Political Activist w/ Meat Packing experience
in tough situations his slogan could be ‘I keep my head!’
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Did someone say “run for office?”, at least we know he’s not a couch potato! :rofl:


Johnson has previously served about 25 years behind bars for attempted murder and other charges.
He appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast last month where he talked about how he turned his life around.

Apparently it was a 360°. :rofl:

“It was at that moment that I really said - I have to change my life - I have to change my life - I just can’t do this,” Johnson said on the podcast. “I had a wife, I had kids, I had family still, my son was growing up - he was hearing stories of my so-called notoriety - I just didn’t want to be that dad.”

So he killed that m-f that was telling his son those stories. :rofl:

At Johnson’s arraignment on Thursday night, his supporters filled the courtroom.
One supporter wore a jacket reading “specializing in wrongful conviction arrests.”

What is a wrongful “conviction arrest”? Or was that misspelled and should have stated “wrong convict arrested”? :sunglasses: Nope, it was him. :sunglasses:


Joe Rogan can’t wipe that smile off his face :smiley: