New Gun Range set up advice needed

I have a very close friend that just purchased property with an old shooting range/stations. In the foothills and has 4 different shooting stations. He is wanting to fix/repair and get set up for some good training. 4 pistol or short range 25-30 yards with a moving target on 1. Also has 2 long range rifle.

Is there a web site you are aware of that would give advice on proper set up so we can do it right?

“Could” be a good place for training once finished. Location is in Central Utah


Contact an NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) or Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO).
The training for those positions includes details on range setup and management.


Here’s a link to the Army’s criteria. Not sure how helpful it will be in your case but it’s worth a look over:


And here’s one from the NRA:


@Russel7 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you with us. :slightly_smiling_face:
Close friends with gun ranges are good to have. :+1:


Welcome! Many factors will come into play for the range setup. Composition, depth, height and length of the sides, for the berm, and maximum caliber rating for the berm. Distance between shooting positions. For the pistol lanes, is holster draw being planned for or allowed? If so, it will require a level of protection between lanes to protect other shooters. A certificate of occupancy will also be required. Consideration for types of ammo. Typically most ranges (in door and outdoor) do not allow incendiary, tracers, or frangible ammo. Also, many do not allow steel jacketed or steel core (green tips). If a magnet will stick to the projectile they won’t let it in/on the range. Then there’s the discussion on muzzle loaders and the special considerations for their safe use on an outdoor range, if allowed. This is a very shot list of the top level things, but there is more devil in the details. As mentioned above, contact a local NRA Chief Range Safety Officer or even a local NRA Counselor that is qualified to train/certify Chief RSOs.

NRA Instructor, Chief RSO, TS DPS LTC Instructor


Look up “Blue Sky Ranges” and “No Blue Sky Ranges” It is federal thing for the military No Blue sky ranges mean that the boolit fired from any position on the range can leave the range. Blue Sky is a range that an inadvertent shot can travel miles unhindered. Also look at EPA regs for lead you may have a toxic waste dump on your hands due to lead contamination.




@Russel7 welcome to the community, hope you find everything you need for the range, already getting great input from the community!

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My advice is make sure every shooter is facing the same way DOWN RANGE ! I hope that helps?

Welcome to the FOLD Brother, you are right where you are supposed to be (and yes, I am one of the resident wise-asses!) If ya didn’t notice before) :crazy_face:
Oh, one more thing, make sure the idi-- guy you hire to change the targets is faster than the Boolits! or shorter than the berm he is crouching behind…less paperwork. :star_struck:

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