Wanda3 LADY SUN.SHINE . We LOVE YOU . And you are my friend. Thank you for membering me. Birthday . Here’s ya a root beer with a good waffle.
. I have a song for you . . . . The song is. By earnest Coen. Hallelujah. Love Bobby jean and Debbie ann . Peace to you miss sun shining!!!
I GOT A AWARD. Editor. Award.!! Don’t tell nobody but . I have no idea how I got it. But I don’t want to be rude . KAZ I may have done something similar to right. I had some waffles
I gave a troll. I feel like that president who got the noble peace prize.!! An he did not even know what he did EATHER. So I am like obitmobama. Have a root beer .
me birthday party . Not pot we are old folks . I want chocolate ice cream before bet time not venlla. Love you . Thanks . Very Very much. Bobby Jean a Debbie ann . I can not see my creen. Buy buy
@BeanCounter How’s your wife doing?
Thanks for asking. She’s doing extremely well, back working six days a week. Don’t ask why, she’s an energizer bunny. I think radiation is next, no chemo.
@BeanCounter Happy to hear that!!
Goodmorning Wanda, Hope its the best of days!!
@Arnie_W Thanks Arnie! How are you doing?
So far So good !!
Don’t we all hope we are this for someone else?
not slow
a most intimate dance
the lyrics meant nothing
the rythm gave drive
the drive gave intensity
the song ended
the intensity did not
the moment meant everything
Moves me very much.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize Rammstein was so controversial. The “life’s hard get a helmet” is a joke that Karacal and I laugh at. Will stay away from…
Hothouse Flowers
Strangely enough I kind of like this song even though I’m not really a fan of the manufactured Disney Pop Princess sound. But seeing as my daughter enjoyed Disney growing up.
Hopefully these songs are acceptable.
Mea Culpa
Sorry all. No harm was intended.