I’m going to my interview with Mass State Police in a few weeks for my out of state carry permit. Does anyone have any idea what kind of questions they will ask!? Would prefer not to be surprised.
Thanks and wish me luck.
I’m going to my interview with Mass State Police in a few weeks for my out of state carry permit. Does anyone have any idea what kind of questions they will ask!? Would prefer not to be surprised.
Thanks and wish me luck.
Thank goodness I’ve never had any interaction with communist officials.
Where were you at 10:30 am on January 6, 2020? Don’t answer!
“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you…” you know the thing!
Good luck!
They will probably ask questions about your background. Good luck.
No personal knowledge. Tried to query online, got barely anything useful.
Found a couple of sites showing from this year:
If it’s anything like in MA’s socialist cousins in CA, it would be the same questions from your application asked repeatedly to see if you’re consistent with your answers.
They won’t ask you anything too special. The clerk confirms your personal information as found on your application and will be taking fingerprints and a photo. It is simple enough. The main problem with MA is the long wait for out of state residents.
I just did it two weeks ago. They just confirm the info on your application and take prints. In and out in 10 mins. Had my LTC a week later.
1 week? On a first time, non-resident ltc??
Yup. I was shocked
My application was accepted in mid January and the date was set for September! I’ve hear it takes another 6 months to get the license!!
I hope I have the same luck