Man executed in St. Louis in broad daylight

Liberal policies continue to allow this sh!t show.
When do we say “That’s enough”?
My blood is boiling. :rage:


And people have the balls to say we’re not living in a Mad Max world!
I beg to differ!
The democratic base at work! FYI phone video guy is an accessory!


I mean, not quite. This guy definitely has to worry about follow up from the authorities when Mad Max world wouldn’t care.

Side note: Keep this video in mind when someone makes a comment about criminals/gang members/whomever doing “Just fine” with cheap guns we call unreliable, using FMJ, using small caliber, etc. Sometimes…well…sometimes how criminals use guns and what they need their gun to do varies from lawful self defenders.


Traditional warfare…

Modern warfare…



These kinds of stories and videos are always sad to see :frowning:

After watching the video, what takeaways do you have regarding how you may handle or react to a situation like this if you were a witness?

Different scenarios such as walking by with your family, alone and just you, or if you were the guy filming?


Thinking I’d do a 360 and briskly walk the hell away and then call 911 once I was far enough away to not risk the guy being upset and acting based on the correct perception that I was calling the police on him.

If somehow some way I didn’t notice until I was past the event horizon so to speak probably do more or less what the other guy did, not my circus not my clowns I’m going to just keep on moving. And then call once I get around the corner or into a building etc, clearly out of his zone


If law permitted, guy on the ground would be alive and guy with the unserviceable weapon would be, well, unserviceable!


I would never know for sure unless I was in the situation.

As @Scott52 pointed out, our laws seem to protect the shooter in this instance. He is not a threat while his gun is unserviceable, and unless he threatens someone else, then he is no longer a threat to the dead guy, because, well, he is dead. So, any response from one of us is against the law once he finished executing the guy.

After further thinking about this, I believe the right thing to do is get a social worker out to talk to the shooter to evaluate his motivation and try to correct any wrongs he has experienced in life.


I’m with Nathan in that I would most definitely be getting safely away and calling 911.
Sincerely doubt I would be doing “cell phone video” guy. I wouldn’t want my hands tied up in case the shooter decided to follow where I went.
Report to 911 and keep myself and those with me safe.


Gotta be careful with third party encounters. We have the luxury of hindsight.

What if the man on the ground was the attacker, he accosted the man who was standing (guy on ground had a knife) in a robbery attempted stopped by standing man with the gun, who is now stressed out walking around waiting for police not sure who to call or what to do and is just out of sorts, but all he’s doing is standing there walking around…are we sure we want to shoot/kill him on the spot? Or would you talk to him and try to ascertain what he is thinking/planning/doing, while he has a gun in his hand and you are standing out in the open (I saw no readily available close cover).

Audio may fill us in on some details, but, using lethal force based on incomplete information even in a scenario like that (before the end of the video) could go very badly


I think that would depend on what his actions were after the video ended. Did he tuck his pistol in his pocket and walk away clearly indicating he was no longer a threat to anyone or was he walking down the street still holding the firearm and presenting a clear threat to myself or other people?

This would be a tough situation to intervene in if I came on the scene at the point where the video started. I can’t tell why the guy on the ground is laying there and if the guy with the pistol is his friend or if they were just fighting. Does he have the gun out because someone just attacked the both of them and he is trying to protect his friend? It doesn’t look like there is a clear conflict between the two until the gun gets pointed and the trigger is pulled.

If I saw this happening on the street I likely would have gotten to cover and called 911.


In hindsight, even if the guy on the ground was the attacker, he is no longer a threat.
Don’t these same rules apply to the guy who shot the taqueria restaurant armed robber. Emptying his mag into guy on the floor???

This game is fun to play… from my living room!
Your right! My hyperbole is just that. I like to see the bad guy get what’s coming to him!
Truthfully, I like to stay out of bad situations, not in my lane. 911. I have more important things to do.
Furthermore this administration doesn’t want me to save lives, they prefer dead voters!

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First, I’m not sitting around waiting for the guy to fix his gun. It’s fight or flight and for me, it’s fight. Fly on S**T so to speak. Even if I couldn’t get up I’d crawl over and do Something. That said, and what frustrates me is the people just walking by, taking videos and pretty much doing nothing.


I personally think the taqueria shooter committed murder, FWIW.

If the guy on the ground was the attacker, and the self defender is wandering around waiting for police to arrive, in what way is he an imminent deadly threat that justifies you walking by and shooting and/or killing him?

Not knowing what happened before walking up on the situation around where the video starts, and prior to the gun working and being used, what degree of certainty can a person have that they know what they are seeing and know that it’s worth shooting the guy with the gun? That is a high degree of certainty (literally betting your life and/or lifetime of freedom) on what you can infer


We don’t, until we witness the execution, by then it’s too late.
I do however think this is on the current administration’s hands!
Executions on American soil?
Stay home, the purge is on, 24/7

I’d PM this but your profile doesn’t accept PMs, so I think you meant 180?


You’d think so, but, it’s an old joke


I still have a couple of those 360’s, about to donate them to a children’s hospital.


This is where my humanity would probably kick-in. I would probably need some help from responsibly armed citizens to bail me out or something. Why? Because too much time has elapsed, the bad guy messing with his gun, the guy on the ground is delirious or not fully cognizant of his whereabouts, there’s time (if I was armed) to intervene in some form being that the bad guy’s gun is broken, but not mine! This would be a good time to offer the bad guy an alternative, “get on the ground and live, or say goodbye right here.” But in either case leave this man alone, because he’s clearly no threat to you (of course having already dialed 911).

To just do nothing (given this scenario) is just criminal in itself. There’s just too much time here, as this guy casually fixes his gun! Give me a break; I’m fit and skilled enough to have done something. I know that I wouldn’t get any sleep having had this experience and did nothing.

I know that no one can be compelled to use their firearm in defense of another, but a larger question is, “how can you live with yourself having had the opportunity to help but did nothing to stop what was being done, and further, watch this man’s life be taken while the perpetrator just walks away?” “What if it was your kinfolk?!”

I truly hope I never have this kind of experience in order to find out. smh.


How do you know, bet your life/life in prison/kill somebody level of know, the guy with the gun is the ‘bad guy’?

Take away the last 3 seconds of the video. Using the rest of the video only, no title, (since that’s what we have to base this what if discussion on, in essence) what can you articulate?

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