Looking for a Definition of "End of Democracy"



All I know is that we should stay away from groups like White Supremacist Militias and J6 groups and ATIFA and BLM. It’s not just black lives that matter but all lives matter. BLM gets mad whenever a white cop kills a black criminal in self defense or defense of others but they don’t even bat an eye when a black officer dies in the line of duty. Having been invited to White Supremacist Militia meetings I know that those people are very fearful and even paranoid or a societal collapse and while I accepted their invitation to see what they were all about I chose not to commit to them because they were white supremacists. We definitely need to be prepared and continue our self defense training and make sure we have good weapons and ammo and enough food and supplies to last a crisis but I would also say it’s very important that we go to the polls on Election Day and vote on the proper issues. Democracy will always work as long as we allow it to work and the day that we stop believing that democracy will work is the day we lose it. Get to the polls and vote for pro life, pro second amendment, good, conservative, Christian politicians! That’s what’s gonna save our country, people!


[quote=“Jason_Anthony, post:22, topic:98952, full:true”]
All I know is that we should stay away from groups like White Supremacist Militias and J6 groups and ATIFA and BLM. It’s not just black lives that matter but all lives matter. BLM gets mad whenever a white cop kills a black criminal in self defense or defense of others but they don’t even bat an eye when a black officer dies in the line of duty. Having been invited to White Supremacist Militia meetings I know that those people are very fearful and even paranoid of a societal collapse and while I accepted their invitation to see what they were all about I chose not to commit to them because they were white supremacists. We definitely need to be prepared and continue our self defense training and make sure we have good weapons and ammo and enough food and supplies to last a crisis but I would also say it’s very important that we go to the polls on Election Day and vote on the proper issues. Democracy will always work as long as we allow it to work and the day that we stop believing that democracy will work is the day we lose it. Get to the polls and vote for pro life, pro second amendment, good, conservative, Christian politicians! That’s what’s gonna save our country, people! We need to get this nation back to God as this nation was founded on good Christian principles!

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So true. More often than not, peoples’ revolutions over the last century or so produced Lenins, Stalins, Maos, Hitler, Pol Pots, and all manner of despots. Voting and the electoral process, in my view, is far better than fighting in the streets and hoping that will make things better.

Indiscriminately throwing people in jail and holding them for years without due process is the first step toward the “End of Democracy “.


Consider this: We are a Representative Constitutional Republic; we are NOT a democracy and never have been. The definition of a democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on who is for dinner.


Another great first post! Welcome aboard!


I purposely used the word “Republic” only once in my original OP for that very reason. But, like usual, the folks on here picked it up and pointed out We are not a Democracy and to be honest we’re damn LUCKY we aren’t.


I don’t know what either of you are talking about we are Americans. We have Democrats and Republicans…

I have never heard that, BUT I LIKE IT.


Technically we are a democratic republic.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Democratic Republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


That word “Democratic” wasn’t in there when I said it as a kid every day in school.


Exactly my point, AND Under God WAS in there when we used to say it but not any more…


Yes we do. We have conservatives and liberals and republican and democrat political machines. The purpose they serve is to keep us divided and powerless. The reality is that politics is the smoke and mirrors that shield the true source of power.
While the masses are fighting for crumbs and thinking that they are making a difference, the real power is wielded by the wealthiest elites. It’s controlled by the people who own the multi-national corporations. Their board of directors are made up of people whose families and trust funds are beneficiaries of fortunes passed down from generation to generation. They’re happy to keep voters’ attention fixated on the political side shows and believing that they or Congress have any real power.
It’s an elaborate shell game. Democratic politicians are not in the loop when it comes to deciding whether to replace Biden and if so, who will be the anointed replacement.
The funding is already committed to the Biden/Harris ticket and Kamela will get the nod. It doesn’t matter that she’s a laughing hyena with and IQ to match. It makes their job easier. She’s the perfect candidate to replace Biden who never had the mental acuity to run the country to begin with.
She’ll be surrounded by the same sycophants who’ve been pulling his strings and hiding the fact that he’s a bumbling fool.
The power brokers’ driving force and overriding principle is to perpetuate their power structure and maintain stability. Trump surprised everyone including himself by winning the presidency. He won’t be allowed to upset the apple cart a second time.
As the left’s supporters in Hollywood are fond of saying, the show must go on.


“OK, what kind of Americans?..You dont know?” (from recent movie)

LOL, nor “diverse, with equity, inclusion and safe spaces for all”.


Perfect example of democracy is gang rape, only one dissenting opinion.


The end of democracy is code for the end of democratic party rule.

This is all any AMERICAN needs to know.



The real power comes from inside our own selves. The wealthiest elites want you to believe they hold the power. They only hold the power if we let wealth be our God. God is my God no matter what name.

As should be.

We were not created as slaves to man.