just some of it

here is a list of some of the government waste
The Waste of 2022 Giving ineligible citizens COVID Economic Injury Disaster Grants (SBA)……$4,500,000,000
Using COVID relief funds to construct an 11,000 square foot spa……….…… $140,000,000
Using COVID relief funds to purchase luxury cars ….$31,500,000
Wisconsin school using COVID relief funds to upgrade turf fields…………………$1,600,000
Camouflage uniforms that do not fit the Afghanistan environment (DOD)….….$28,000,000
Funding a 1.5-mile park in Austin, Texas, used for yoga and concerts (DOD)……$9,000,000
Starbucks espresso machines (DOD)…………$192,592
Interest Payments on the Debt (Treasury)….…$475,000,000,000
Maintaining 77,000 empty Federal buildings (GSA).$1,700,000,000
“Basic education” projects in Jordan (USAID)…$210,069,000
Expanding the Washington, D.C. Streetcar that’s rarely used and unreliable……$175,000,000
Helping illegal immigrants avoid deportation (DHS)…. $168,000,000
Mismanaged and un-tracked fuel purchases (State)…… $77,000,000
Subsidizing the free New York Staten Island Ferry (DOT)……$70,000,000
Overpaying government contractors for a terminated contract (GSA)…$69,000,000 
East Baton Rouge unused federal housing grants (HUD)…$13,400,000
Boosting the Tunisia travel sector during COVID-19 (USAID)…$50,000,000
Unused hotel rooms for illegal immigrants (DHS)……$17,000,000
Constructing a Gandhi museum………$3,000,000
Watching hamsters fight on steroids (NIH)….$3,000,000
Super Bowl commercials telling you to fill out the Census (Commerce)…$2,500,000
Injecting 6-month-old beagle puppies with cocaine (NIH) ….$2,300,000
Encouraging Ethiopians to wear shoes (NIH)……$2,100,000
Training mice to binge drink alcohol (NIH)……$1,100,000
Studying the romance between parrots (NSF)…$689,222
Studying the social life and collective intelligence of ants (NSF)…$675,000
Using mice to study racial aggression (NIH)………$519,828
Redeveloping the United States hard cider market (USDA)… $491,794A
radio campaign telling drivers to stop at railroad crossings (DOT)….$200,000
Verifying that kids love their pets (NIH)…………….$187,500
Researching if Thanes could snap his fingers wearing the infinity gauntlet (NSF)……$118,971


hmmm, Hamsters on steroids fighting…how’d Dana White miss this opportunity? Private parties would make 10x their expenditure in profit the first year.
The “Jackass” crew could make a movie of the binge drinking mice, and lessen the deficit as well.
The gov’t doesn’t care, 'cuz it ain’t their money they’re was…uh, spending.
Omnibus bill just passed. 2023 says “hold my beer” when it comes to waste, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


The real outrage should be these smarmy politicians keep getting re-elected, then taxing the snot out of us to pay for these pet projects to get re-elected, again.