Instructor Notes - Our first middle of the night intruder

In your planning, I suggest you have several ‘if this then’ type branches. Remember ‘no plan survives beyond 1st contact’!!! You can be sure an intruder will not do as expected.


I do have a good handful of scenarios now that get the student all adrenaline-d up and at the last moment we basically pull the rug out and describe the intruder as “the college son surprising mom and dad by coming home unannounced at 9pm in the evening”… – Identify (know) your target, not all targets are a threat –

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My plan and prep…Really Good to have a plan.
safe rooms available.
one at a time doing sweep
always take EDC when sweeping
Motion sensor lights, 4 sides
solar powered motion sensor lights scattered throughout the property. (See track of intruders, 2 legged or 4 legged.)
Alarm system, doors , windows, motion in select areas, armed every night and when away. (No way to sleep throu a breakin, or arrive home with someone in the house)
Motion sensors on property, starting 50 yard ring, and close in sensors. (might as well have max alert time)

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I have a plan, feel my wives butt (I’ll say no more comment on that) take the 9mm (hand safe next to bed) and go get the shotgun and bullet proof vest out of my office. Stand at a guarded position at the top of the stairs and when I hear something rack the slide.
There’s nothing not replaceable downstairs take whatever you like if you come upstairs you die with a kitchen knife in your hand if necessary.

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You were all good up to this point. Always remember you use deadly force if you fear for yourself &/or loved ones, others in danger. & Most important you only wish to stop the threat, should they die so be it. One more thing do not put comments in media you will regret. In a court if law. Take care


My words against the dead guy, not worried about social media convicting me.
I know the courts have convicted illegally on hearsay, but social media say, time will tell.

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Only stated that because should a situation happen they ( D.A. ) will go into your accounts & use the things you stated ( not hearsay) against you

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Why not rack the slide sooner? Are you concerned that getting it out of the safe may cause an ND?
You may come face to face with danger before you expect it.


Correct, have it already chambered. There are many topics on this. The most important reason is you don’t want give the threat a heads up as to your location by the sound it makes racking a slide. If they hear that they know which way to go to get you and know to aggress you as quick as possible.

Sun Tzu, don’t give away your position or your level of strength.


I do understand what your saying…

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Not the pistol, rack the shotgun.
I know a lot of police, the sound of a racking a shotgun does wonders.

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