Tips…techniques for improving pistol accuracy?
I am a right handed shooter…but tips for left handed shooters are welcome, for those who are viewing.
Thank you for your time.
Tips…techniques for improving pistol accuracy?
I am a right handed shooter…but tips for left handed shooters are welcome, for those who are viewing.
Thank you for your time.
Best advice I have been given:
Take your time, be patient, work on your grip, trigger control, and you recoil management.
From one of the USCCA videos, after firing a round, slowly release the trigger until you feel the click of the reset, and then, when target is reacquired, fire the next round. It worked for me to improve my accuracy with my striker fire weapon.
Dry fire practice with a laser bullet are will help
The thing with the laser bullet or Sirt pistol,
Aim at some type of target and work on your grip and trigger squeeze. When you squeeze the trigger your laser light should be a dot, not a line.
Shoot 6 yards with weak hand. Work on your accuracy with your weak hand. Change over to strong hand and work on accuracy. 3" circle target. Take your time working on each shot. See what it takes to get an accurate shot. Then when you apply both hands you will begin to see improvements. Focus on front sight firm grip and watch your hand and keep it from moving. Only your finger should move, not your hand. You can practice this dry firing.
When you get to hitting a 1" target with regularity change up to point shooting for accuracy.
Learn to shoot really well with only one hand on the pistol. Two-handed shooting is easy and often impractical outside the confines of a shooting range.
Good responses. I would add one thing: Take a class or have an instructor watch you shoot. You can often save a lot of time if someone that knows how to teach watches you. Could be a grip issue, or several things that might take a long time to figure out on your own.
With the cost of ammo these days, a couple of hours with an instructor might save you money!
I found this video on YouTube and I found it helpful on improving pistol accuracy, there are a lot of good techniques she uses and I have improved my shooting.
Master three things and you can’t miss:
Practice, practice, practice.
Most important of all: have fun!
@DeeB, is there a certain issue you’re facing? Are all of the shots low left or high left? Is it a grouping issue?
Fundamentals are definitely going to help you shoot well, but if you’re having a certain issue, let us know! We’d love to help!
My targets show that my shots are always on the left. High left and low left.
Could it be a grip issue maybe. Limp wristing the gun or sights may be off. Just a suggestion.
A key for me was fit of the gun to my hand. It made the most drastic and immediate improvement of any single thing I did, it also sped up corrections of other problems as a good fit meant less misalignment problems from recoil and quicker reacquisition of the sights after a shot. Some guns with a poor fit to my hand were extremely resistant to improvements in accurate shooting.
I started choosing guns, or grips, that had a natural tendency to line up almost “automatically” when I gripped the gun. this was of particular help with the problem of shots being consistently low left, and the like.
What else is there?
The one largest factor that changed my accuracy was an instructor who laughed at my Teacup grip.
I bless that man!!!
Teacup grip? - as in pinky finger extended?
Thanks for the photo of that, now I know the proper name for it.
Photo is not clear @George98