Are you allowed to have your home defense gun on u if your setting on the porch.
I don’t know why not.
What state are you in?
Absolutely here in VA I can.
Not sure about large inner-city, urban settings, and I guess dependent on which state you reside in, but you absolutely can here (northwestern KY). Semi-rural area here, and I carry OWB when I walk my pup late at night.
I’m from Philadelphia pa
In not license to carry yet I’m working on it but it’s hard cause are center is close
Ok I have to look in to that
@Lamont2 Go to your Dashboard and click on Resources and click on Reciprocity Map and Gun Laws and then your State it should answer your questions.
Ok cool thank u
I’d suggest checking your local laws:
And I also suggest talking to your local law enforcement and a self-defense attorney about how local laws will be interpreted.
There may be questions about how you have the firearm (in a holster, sitting on a table, in your hand, concealed) and the situation you have the firearm in may also play into the legalities of it.
Ohio is an open carry state so yes I could. I also have my CC permit though
Understood, and hope it all comes together for you. I have my CCDW, plus, KY is also a Constitutional Carry state.
In Indiana you can sit on the front porch with it. In fact a lot of the good folks of Indiana like to clean their guns on their front porch. It would be nothing to see a guy with 12 guns on a table on his front porch just cleaning away. One of my favorite memories growing up as a kid, I was about 10 years old and my neighbor and all his buddies just got back from hunting and they’re all up there with her rifles or shotguns or whatever they were, cleaning them, drinking beer, smoking there cigarettes with the radio jamming out to ACDC… Good times