Here We Grow Again! (Be sure to read this one!)

Y’all are awesome! Thanks for the great conversations and amazing attitudes you have brought to the USCCA Online Community so far! You’re helping build something that can save lives!

I’m going to be opening the door little by little over the next few weeks to bring more responsibly armed Americans into the conversation!

If all goes as well as I expect it will, I would love to let everyone on at the Expo in May know how amazing the Community is due to all of your fabulous interactions!

With more responsibly armed Americans having positive, constructive conversations, we’ll all continue to learn and improve our ability to defend our loved ones!

Please help me welcome the newcomers and continue to have your amazing conversations!

Oh, you may see a few layout updates coming over the next few weeks as well - be sure to let me know what you think of the changes!


I have been lacking in well wishing the new comers, so I can be up to date.

HI EVERYONE and welcome to one of the most amazing places you will ever be online.

Dawn it the best and the rest of us only wish we could be as awesome as she is (but we try).


:rofl: You all are awesome and make me look good. :slight_smile:

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Did anybody hear White Snake music while they read the thread title?



I didn’t… now it’s all I hear… :woman_facepalming:



Yeah, I heard it :smile:

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Come on you mean I was the only one singing it in my head?


“Here We Grow Again, On Our Own! Dah Dah!” :musical_score: :musical_note: OH YEAH!!!